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Haiti: Another regime change sinks deeper into trouble

JIM.LOBE Haiti: One year later (FCN, 0317-2005) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - While the violence in Iraq continues unabated, the situation in Haiti, where the George Bush administration also played a key role in engineering regime change, is going from bad to desperate, according to analysts here. The UN Security Council, which will decide the terms for extending its peacekeeping operation (MINUSTAH) in...

After seizing Baghdad, U.S. military is deep in a quagmire

JIM.LOBE US will 'have to face' military draft dilemma: senator (IC/AFP, 06-12-2005)Broken coalition, resistance and dwindling recruitment mark two-year anniversary of U.S. invasion of Iraq (FCN, 04-06-2004) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - On the day when U.S. citizens honored the nation's war dead, American armed forces found themselves in a twilight zone somewhere between glory and hell. On the one hand, the U.S....

International community backs AU operations in Darfur

Related links: The African Union (Official Site)Sudan delegation returns; Findings reflect new UN report: no genocide in Darfur (FCN, 02-10-2005)In Harlem, a discussion on the Sudan (FCN, 11-23-2004) ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (PANA) - An international pledging conference for the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) ended here May 26, expressing greater solidarity, but leaving issues of financial and material support...

Ghana’s Government issues apology for rights abuse

GINNEWS The Republic of GhanaKwame Nkrumah's contribution to the decolonization process in Africa ( ACCRA, Ghana (GIN) - The final report of the National Reconciliation Commission, appointed to investigate past human rights abuses in the country between 1957 and 1993, has just been released. The commission, set up in 2002, considered the impact of socio-economic disparities and colonial policies on the...

U.S. pulls IMF, World Bank into Iraq

WASHINGTON (IPS)–Despite launching their semi-annual get together by asserting that they are not political, it is clear the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank are prone to manipulation by their richest members, a characteristic that could sideline pressing development issues. "We are not a political institution, and our articles of agreement prevent us from interfering in the...

Africa united at UN on Security Council reform

Africa deserve membership of the UN Security Council (GhanaWeb, 0415-2005) UNITED NATIONS ( - African diplomats at the United Nations say they are not backing down on their demands that the Security Council reform package, which must be passed by the General Assembly, must have two permanent seats for Africa with veto power and three non-permanent seats. “Africa is together on...

Global anti-Americanism is spreading, U.S. agency says

NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - As President George Bush's confidante, Karen Hughes, prepares for her confirmation hearings later this spring as the nominee for under-secretary of state for public diplomacy, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) is weighing in with sharp criticism of Washington's track record on boosting its image abroad. “Despite U.S. efforts to better inform, engage and influence foreign...

South Africa: Zimbabwe poll results reflect people’s will

President Kenneth Kaunda speaks to Black journalists (FCN, 11-18-2003) Special Report on Zimbabwe (FCN, 11-05-2002) JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (PANA)–The South African government said recently that the outcome of the recent parliamentary elections in Zimbabwe was a credible reflection of the will of the people of Zimbabwe. In a statement issued after a meeting in Pretoria, the cabinet said it noted the...

Nation-building falters in troubled Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (IPS)–As U.S. officials promise to rebuild and democratize Iraq, the people of that country might wish to consider Afghanistan just a year after President George W. Bush compared U.S. intentions there to Washington's post-World War II Marshall Plan for Europe. It must come as a serious disappointment both to Afghans and to Mr. Bush when Ahmed Wali...

Cuba under fire, again

Bush's new ‘axis of evil'–Castro and Chavez (FCN, 04-12-2005)China's Report on Human Rights Violations in the US (People's Daily, 03-03-2005)Secret memo exposes U.S. Government hypocrisy on Cuba (Granma International, 03-16-1994) WASHINGTON ( - Once again, the United States government is trying to condemn Cuba as being one of the worst human rights violators in the world. America is taking her...