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U.S. conduct in terror war destroyed image abroad

WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - It was in 1776 that a group of British colonists living along the Atlantic seaboard of North America felt compelled to offer a public justification for their “Declaration of Independence” from their mother country out of “a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind.” That justification, a bill of particulars against King George II for a host...

Pentagon resists ban on degrading prisoners

Amnesty: Guantanamo 'the gulag of our time' (FCN, 06-08-2005)Charge them or let them go! (FCN/Min. Louis Farrakhan, 05-25-2005) NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - As new reports detail further abuse by the U.S. military of its prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, a behind-the-scenes battle is being fought between the U.S. departments of State and Defense about whether a key section of...

Presidents of Iran, Venezuela attend African Union Summit

The African Union (Official Site)Birth of The African Union (FCN, 07-14-2002) Banjul, The Gambia (PANA) - Presidents Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela were among foreign observers attending the 7th AU Summit which opened in Banjul, the Gambia, Saturday. They joined leaders from most of the 53 AU Member States at the opening of the summit, which...

Suicides further stir the cauldron at Guantanamo

Bush Administration rejected as Supreme Court rules Guantanamo tribunals 'illegal' (BBC, 06-29-2006)  Pentagon’s Guantanamo tribunals are ruled illegal (FCN, 02-17-2005)  NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - The U.S. government sought to distance itself June 13 from an official’s statement calling the suicides of three Guantanamo Bay prisoners a “public relations move,” as human rights groups, legal experts and...

Bush Hawks Down in Somalia

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS) - The takeover of Mogadishu this month by Islamic militias marks a major defeat for the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, which had secretly backed a coalition of warlords that has reportedly been routed from the Somali capital. While the victors, the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), sought to assure the international community that they have...

UN sends envoy to Sudan

Sudan peace agreement welcomed at the UN (FCN, 05-16-2006)One-sided Reporting That Is Delaying An End To The Killing (UK Guardian/ZNET, 05-06-2006)Sudan needs help, not sanctions - A report from Darfur (FCN, 09-23-2004) UNITED NATIONS ( - The United Nations sent respected diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi to Khartoum to consult with the government of President Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir on the world...

Activists hail censure of Washington’s ‘terror war’

Report: European nations complicit in CIA abductions, secret prisons (Al Jazeera, 06-07-2006)Amnesty: Guantanamo 'the gulag of our time' (FCN, 06-08-2005)Carter: Guantanamo Prison Camp, an Embarassment for U.S. (Prensa Latina, 06-08-2005)Farrakhan calls for delegation to be sent to Guantanamo (FCN, 05-25-2005) NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - Human rights organizations here are hailing recommendations by the United Nations Committee Against Torture that the United...

Press retracts story alleging Iranian Jews to wear badges

JIM.LOBE Unrepentant Harper Answers Lies with Lies (PEJ, 05-25-2006)Iran Badge Story: More Neocon Propaganda (Kurtnimmo, 05-2006)“The synagogue of Satan” by Minister Louis Farrakhan (05-03-2003) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - A story authored by a prominent U.S. neo-conservative regarding new legislation in Iran allegedly requiring Jews and other religious minorities to wear distinctive color badges recently circulated around the world before it was...

Debate over UN reform shows divide between rich and poor

UNITED NATIONS ( - In 1964, the Group of 77 (G-77) plus China was formed at the United Nations, according to one of its founding fathers, Tanzanian president, Julius Kambarage “Mwalimu” Nyerere, to create an opportunity for developing nations to be prime movers of their own destiny. “The Group of 77 was created to change the status quo, which was...

Sudan peace agreement welcomed at the UN

One-sided Reporting That Is Delaying An End To The Killing (UK Guardian/ZNET, 05-06-2006)Sudan needs help, not sanctions - A report from Darfur (FCN, 09-23-2004) UNITED NATIONS ( - Although CNN had been reporting since early afternoon on May 5 that there was a peace agreement signed between the government of Sudan and the main rebel group the Sudanese Liberation Army...