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Zimbabwe elected to chair UN commission, despite Western and European protests

Britain continues to pressure UN to censure Zimbabwe (FCN, 04-13-2007) UNITED NATIONS ( - Zimbabwe was elected to chair the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), the panel that deals with development and the environment, on May 11. The chair traditionally rotates among regions of the world. Under UN protocol, this was Africa’s turn in the one-year seat, and the...

Pentagon aimed to control Iraqi media during war

JIM.LOBE National Security Archive reveals Pentagon aimed to control Iraqi media during war Pentagon OK's Propaganda for Iraq (LA Times, 03-04-2006)Pentagon pays Iraqi papers to print its 'good news' stories (UK Guardian, 12-01-2005)U.S. Journalist Quits Pentagon Iraqi Media Project (Democracy Now !, 01-14-2004)Journalists: U.S. media censorship is ‘rampant’ (FCN, 07-17-2003) WASHINGTON, USA (IPS/GIN) - The Pentagon was strategizing about how to control the Iraqi...

UN-backed court to start trial of Charles Taylor in June

UNITED NATIONS ( - The war crimes trial against the deposed former president of Liberia, Charles Taylor, will begin on June 4 with opening arguments, according to a UN News Service, dated May 8. The United Nations-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone announced the starting date during a recent pre-trial conference in The Hague. “That Charles Taylor will now face...

Black media delegation returns from Darfur

U.S., British interference complicates Sudan crisis ( - The truth concerning the atrocities and fighting in Sudan’s Darfur region–an area that is overwhelmingly Muslim and shares a border and tribal heritage with Chad–is more complex than the U.S. media would have you believe. According to historian Douglas H. Johnson’s Civil War analogy, Darfur is a “mishmash of different forces–federal, Confederate, government,...

Despite U.S. threat of sanctions, Sudan demands African Union peacekeeping force

U.S. and Britain want tougher sanctions for Sudan (FCN, 04-24-2007)Sudanese president answers questions on Darfur (FCN, 05-14-2007)Reconnecting the international struggles of Black people (Min. Louis Farrakhan/FCN, 05-07-2006)FCN Editorial - Clear the cloud of confusion over Sudanese conflict (02-10-2005) UNITED NATIONS ( - African Union chairman Alpha Oumar Konare and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon recently met in New York for high-level...

Ulterior motives believed to drive U.S. war on terror, survey says

JIM.LOBE U.S. conduct in ‘terror war’ destroyed image abroad (FCN, 07-17-2006)Neo-con fanatics push internment for American Muslims (FCN, 02-18-2005)The "War on Terror Exposed" (FCN/Min. Louis Farrakhan, 05-03-2004) WASHINGTON, U.S.A. (IPS/GIN) - More than 75 percent of people in Egypt, Morocco, Indonesia and Pakistan believe U.S. foreign policy is aimed to weaken the Islamic world and maintain control over oil in...

Sudanese president answers questions on Darfur

ASKIAM DETROIT ( - The United States and the United Kingdom are themselves causing, and then exaggerating, a “crisis” in the African “Motherland's” largest and possibly wealthiest country–the Sudan–as it's now called “Darfur,” the country's president said directly in a live-interactive satellite video conference Feb. 23 with members of the Nation of Islam and reporters attending the Saviours' Day 2007...

U.S. ‘surge’ strategy fails to curb continued violence in Iraq

JIM.LOBE Iraq war anniversary: The quagmire enters its fifth year (FCN, 04-09-2007)The greatest foreign policy blunder since Vietnam (FCN, 01-26-2007)Iraq war deaths 'top 650,000' (FCN, 10-31-2006)Life in ‘liberated’ Iraq a disaster, UN report says (FCN, 06-01-2005)Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's letters to Pres. Bush on Iraq (, 12-01-2001) WASHINGTON, (IPS/GIN) - President George W. Bush’s “surge” strategy was supposed to enhance...

UN resolution on Iran a matter of containment

When the facts on Iran don’t match the rhetoric (FCN, 10-21-2006)Iran showdown tests power of ‘Israel lobby’ (FCN, 04-26-2006)  Iranian ambassador sets the record straight (FCN, 04-07-2006)  Nuclear hypocrisy in Iran’s treatment (FCN, 03-12-2006)  How America crushed democracies (FCN, 08-28-2003)How the U.S. Government destabilized foreign governments ( News) UNITED NATIONS ( - Iran announced on Apr. 9 that it...

UN’s hollow ceremony for end to British slave trade confounds many

British, Brutal Masters Of Colonialism (CounterCurrents)Gadhafi calls for reparations for African slave trade (FCN, 09-21-1999) UNITED NATIONS ( - Dr. Leonard Jeffries, professor of Africana Studies and Black Studies at the City University of New York in Harlem, says that the 192-member United Nations General Assembly’s recent commemoration of the 200th anniversary of Britain’s decision on March 25, 1807 to end...