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Report: United States is the world leader in arms sales to developing countries

UNITED NATIONS ( - “The abuse of small arms has caused untold distress, and the United Nations must lead the process to stem their proliferation,” stated Ghana’s President John Agyekum Kufuor at the opening of the UN General Assembly debate on Sept. 25. “As Africa had continued to make significant progress toward healing the wounds of long wars that had...

Activists say UN fails to end world starvation

UNITED NATIONS ( - The 62nd UN General Assembly opened on Sept. 18, and activists from ActionAid, an international anti-poverty agency, stood across the street in Ralph Bunche Park to shout to the world body that 25,000 people were dying everyday from hunger. They called on representatives of the UN’s 192 nations to make hunger and the right to...

World media, IAEA warns against war with Iran

Iranian ambassador sets the record straight (FCN, 04-07-2007)Nuclear hypocrisy in Iran’s treatment (FCN, 03-12-2006) UNITED NATIONS ( - Mohammed El-Baradei, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), during the opening day of the 51st annual regular session of the IAEA General Conference in Vienna Sept. 17, warned against the “hasty use of force over Iran’s nuclear program,” in...

UN told it must do better in conflict prevention

UNITED NATIONS ( - The United Nations may be spending a lot of money on peacekeeping missions ($18 billion over five years), but the world body isn't doing enough on preventing conflicts–the conclusion of a daylong session on August 28, which saw 35 speakers take their turn at the microphone in the Security Council chambers. UN Secretary-General told the meeting...

How the world views U.S. war against Iraq

Min. Farrakhan speaks to Arab and Muslim World through Al Jazeera (FCN, 04-15-2007)Iraq war deaths 'top 650,000' (FCN, 10-31-2006)Life in ‘liberated' Iraq a disaster, UN report says (FCN, 06-01-2005) A September 6 editorial piece in Egypt's Al-Messa daily stated: “It is only normal that Arab Foreign Ministers reject U.S. non-stop pressure to deploy Arab peacekeeping forces to Iraq. It is...

President Bush’s latest foreign policy stake in Africa

Bush wants a military command in Africa (FCN, 03-29-2007)Bush bombs Africa, no outcry! (FCN, 02-05-2007)Bush's Goal: Bring African leaders in line with U.S. policy (FCN, 12-08-2006)   ( - The Defense Department announced on July 10, that the Army’s only Black four-star general, William E. “Kip” Ward, 58, would head up the new African Command (AFRICOM). Gen. Ward, a Morgan State...

Islam is not the enemy!

ASKIAMSenior Correspondent Is Islam a Religion of Violence? (FCN Webcast, Minister Farrakhan, Press Conf. 05-25-2005) WASHINGTON ( - A coalition of Muslims, totaling dozens of participants from Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina is angry after they were turned away from a pre-approved forum in a Capitol Hill meeting room August 11. The group had scheduled a six-hour conference in the Canon...

Arms for Arab, Zionist regimes, as U.S. turns back clock

JIM.LOBE US Military-Industrial Complex: Profiting from WarU.S. arming both sides in troubled subcontinent (FCN, 04-12-2005) WASHINGTON, (IPS/GIN) - Just 25 months after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice denounced 60 years of U.S. support for authoritarian governments in Arab world, she and Pentagon chief Robert Gates, are on their way to the Middle East bearing arms and an uncannily familiar strategic vision...

WHO warns of emerging deadly diseases worldwide

NEW YORK, UN (PANA) - The World Health Organization (WHO), recently warned of the emergence of new diseases around the world spreading “at an unprecedented rate.” “The emerging infections are moving more quickly, as well as spreading faster and becoming increasingly difficult to treat,” the UN health agency warned in its 2007 annual report released in Geneva. It cautioned that...

Sudan agrees to AU/UN peacekeeping force

AU chief wants African Darfur force (Al Jazeera, 08-13-2007)Darfur, Uganda and the U.S. campaign to destabilize Sudan (FCN, 01-01-2007) Darfur, Sudan: Seeking the Truth (FCN Webcast, 05-07-2006) UNITED NATIONS ( - The United Nations Security Council on July 31, unanimously approved the “hybrid force” of 26,000 troops expected to be made up mostly of peacekeepers from Africa and Asia....