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Conference in Libya addresses plight of Unwanted Africans mistreated in Europe

-Staff Writer- Related story:Farrakhan advises Obama on Libya policy, proper guidance for America (FCN, 03-15-2011) TRIPOLI, Libya ( - Each year thousands of Africans faced with poverty and or confl ict are lured by dreams of a better life to leave their homeland for Europe. Increasingly they are met with racism, more poverty and often death when poorly made boats sink. The...

Startling revelations contained in Al Jazeera’s ‘Palestine Papers’

( - Nearly two months after the international community was rocked by revelations contained in Wikileaks, another leak of internal documents could prove even more consequential. Al Jazeera announced they have obtained more than 1,600 internal documents from a decade of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. According to the news organization, they have been given “unhindered access to the largest-ever leak of confidential...

Uncertainty in Ivory Coast, optimism in Sudan

According to published reports, ECOWAS has threatened to remove Laurent Gbagdo, Ivory Coast's incumbent president, through the use of “legitimate force,” after being unable to “coax him into conceding defeat in elections. The West African Organization of States has called for a two-day meeting of its “defense chiefs (on) January 17 to plan future steps” if Gbagdo does...

Billions pledged and raised but Haiti continues to suffer

( - January 12, 2010 at 4:53 p.m., a life-changing moment forever etched in the hearts, minds and souls of the people living in a small yet mighty island nation, nestled in the Caribbean. The world watched in shock and horror as the first images and reports surfaced about the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti, the...

Preying on Haiti’s children

CHARLENEM ( - Once praised for good deeds, a U.S. charity worker goes to jail for raping boys who needed helpA Haitian activist and lawyer declared December 21 “a good day for justice and decency” after a federal judge sentenced convicted pedophile Douglas Perlitz to almost 20 years in prison for molesting eight boys in Haiti. Mr. Perlitz opened the Project...

The Unholy Alliance Between Israel and South Africa’s Apartheid Regime

( - You'd think with all the recent ink, with both Foreign Affairs and the UK-based Guardian articles “Bringing Israel's Bomb Out of the Basement” and “Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa (SA) nuclear weapons,” that Israel's nuclear arsenal would be big on the WikiLeaks list of revelations. And if that's not enough you'd think the...

Wikileaks founder Assange freed on bail

( - Wikileaks Founder and Editor Julian Assange walked out of a London jail December 16 free on bail and reportedly headed to a mansion of a supporter. After putting up $310,000 in bail money, plus two further $31,000 each sureties, Mr. Assange greeted a crush of media and a throng of supporters thanking his lawyers and again stating...

Wikileaks Cablegate reveals unflattering U.S. view of African ‘client states,’ leaders

( - The fallout continues after Wikileaks began posting thousands of leaked classified U.S. embassy cables on Nov. 28. So far, only 667 of the 251,287 secret documents have been posted online and already there is international uproar consisting of praise and criticism. Wikileaks has closely protected its sources and will not discuss how the information was obtained. “It’s clear that...

Israeli leader lobbies America for war with Iran

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - Less than a week after Republicans made major gains in the U.S. midterm elections, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called on President Barack Obama to “create a credible threat of military action” against Iran. Initial official reaction was negative, with Defense Secretary Robert Gates insisting that Obama's preferred strategy of enhanced multilateral sanctions and negotiations, which...

Wikileaks exposes more torture, abuse in Iraq

NEW YORK (IPS) - The publication of a motherlode of secret field reports from the Iraq War are shining a bright light on heretofore unknown or underreported suspicions about the power of private security contractors and the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by their fellow Iraqis, often with their U.S. military counterparts “turning a blind eye.” The release of the...