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Protesting  spreads through Africa over India’s proposed law on drug patents

GINNEWS India/Africa: Threat to Generic Drugs (Africa Focus, 03-07-2005)Drug Patents Draw Scrutiny as Bush Goes to Africa (CorpWatch, 07-09-2003) (GIN) - Protestors in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and other countries are denouncing a move by India, a key producer and exporter of generic anti-retroviral drugs, to pass new legislation that could eventually force inexpensive AIDS drugs off the market. Protestors, in Uganda and...

Sudan delegation returns; Findings reflect new UN report: no genocide in Darfur

FCN Editorial - Clear the cloud of confusion over Sudanese conflict (02-10-2005)EU restores ties with Sudan and offers aid (FCN, 02-09-2005) WASHINGTON ( - The ongoing high profile condemnations in this country of the Sudanese government are “counterproductive and inaccurate,” according to a group of Black media, human rights and community leaders who have just returned from that country....

White farmers in South Africa exploit workers, diplomat charges

HARARE, Zimbabwe (PANA)–South African Labor Minister Membathisi Mdladlana said recently that White farmers in his country grossly exploited Zimbabwean immigrant farm workers, most of whom entered the country illegally. Mr. Mdladlana was in Harare for talks with his Zimbabwean counterpart on how to harmonize labor laws between the two countries when he made the statements. An estimated two million...

Deadly cyanide dump unearthed near Namibia coast

GINNEWS WINDHOEK, Namibia (GIN)–Twelve drums of highly toxic calcium cyanide, plus loads of other chemicals, including nitric and sulphuric acid, were left behind when its owners abandoned the Namib Lead Mine about four years ago. The drums pose a serious danger to the health of thousands of people in the vicinity. They were recently found in an abandoned mine in the...

Sudan needs help, not sanctions – A report from Darfur

Nine things that we did not know 1. KHARTOUM, Sudan ( - The Arab/African identity is the term constructed around the language the people speak–not their race. All of them speak Arabic, so they all considered themselves Arabs. However, to further distinguish those tribes who retain their local and Arabic language, those tribes are called African. The conflict is...

Angry Nigerian President Obasanjo lashes out at religious leaders over violence

LAGOS, Nigeria (PANA) - Seemingly frustrated that his government's efforts to curb Nigeria's spiraling sectarian and communal violence has not yielded the desired results, President Olusegun Obasanjo has vented his anger on religious leaders in central Plateau, which has been a hotbed of such crisis since 2001. On the heels of tit-for-tat killing by Muslims and Christians in the...

Zimbabwe government seizes farm of colonial ruler

Journalists see Zimbabwe's land crisis up close  HARARE, Zimbabwe (PANA)–The Zimbabwe government has seized a farm belonging to the country’s last White colonial ruler under its controversial land reform program, officials and the former leader said, recently. Ian Smith declined to give details, saying only that he would try to get back his 4,000-acre Gwenoro farm in the central district...

Mugabe urges stronger African unity

HARARE, Zimbabwe (PANA) - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe recently urged closer ties among African countries to counter-balance growing military unilateralism by Western powers. Opening a new Parliamentary session, the Zimbabwean leader accused big Western powers of preying on divided weaker nations in the Third World, citing the Iraq war as an example. Pres. Mugabe said the conflict in the Persian...

African Union closes summit with tasks ahead

Bush's Goal: Bring African leaders in line with US policy Gadhafi to western powers: Treat Africa as equal partnerFCN Editorial - The two faces of Bush Reports on the African Union     MAPUTO, Mozambique (PANA)–The newly-elected chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, Alpha Oumar Konare of Mali, took the oath of office of the African Union (AU) shortly before the Union’s...

Gadhafi to western powers: Treat Africa as equal partner

MAPUTO, Mozambique (PANA) - The West "has eaten our flesh raw and committed historic crimes by engaging in the slave trade and making huge fortunes from it," Libya’s Colonel Muammar Gadhafi declared here July 12. Speaking at the end of the African Union (AU) summit in the Mozambiqan capital, the Libyan leader affirmed that the West in the past...