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U.S. created the atmosphere in Sudan for military coup: Journalist

The United States created the political atmosphere in the Republic of Sudan that led to the military coup in the African country, according to African American journalist Abayomi Azikiwe. Mr. Azikiwe, editor at the Pan-African News Wire, warned in an interview with Press TV on Oct. 26 that there is no solution to the African crisis as long as imperialist...

Exploring Senegal and appreciating Africa

DAKAR, Senegal—“Bye, bye cold weather” and “As-Salaam Alaikum, Africa.” That’s what our group of 14, eight adults and six children, said as we boarded a nonstop plane to the Motherland for a 10-day trip to one of West Africa’s most popular destinations.  Let the excitement begin! The capital of Senegal in Dakar is famous for its lively markets, access to...

Deception, destruction and no end to Libya’s suffering

Chaos is the order of the day in Libya more than a decade after the American-NATO overthrow and murder of longtime leader Muammar Gadhafi who ruled the North African nation and led a revolutionary movement for 42 years. Acute tribal discord, a grueling civil war, and failure to create a comprehensive government have plagued Libya. The country is still torn between...

A year of challenges and opportunities in Africa

Africa will be remembered in 2022 as the year of the “Sirens of apocalypse: UN climate report warns of worst to come.” Adding insult to this was the Ukraine-Russia war which has limited access to wheat, on a continent that in the past has said its arable land could feed the globe. Cold War revisited the continent, and U.S....

China’s grievances with the West are echoed by the Global South

On the eve of the upcoming BRICS Summit to be held in August in South Africa, a U.S.-initiated trade war with China over the future of semiconductors has escalated. BRICS is an acronym for the world economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Beijing hit back by playing a trump card: It imposed export controls on two strategic raw materials, gallium and germanium....

Kenya marks 60 years of independence, and the president defends painful economic measures

NAIROBI, Kenya—Kenya’s president on December 12 defended the high taxes the government recently imposed, calling them a “necessary sacrifice” in helping the country deal with ballooning foreign debt which now stands at $70 billion. Speaking at celebrations marking 60 years since Kenya’s independence from Britain, President William Ruto said East Africa’s largest economy was no longer at risk of defaulting on...

Niger cut military ties with U.S. over Washington threats, Iran partnership: PM

Niger’s prime minister says the termination of military cooperation and bilateral relations between his country and the United States was due to American threats and Washington’s opposition to the African nation’s partnership with Iran and Russia. Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine told The Washington Post in an interview published on May 14 that the U.S. had tried to dictate what countries Niamey can have...

Thousands of African workers kept in appalling conditions

Hoping to escape the war, death and destitution rampant in their home countries, thousands of African workers embark every year on a grueling journey to the affluent Persian Gulf countries looking for employment. The more fortunate ones will end up doing backbreaking manual labor earning a pittance, barely enough to make ends meet. Should they be unlucky, a fate worse than...

International community backs AU operations in Darfur

Related links: The African Union (Official Site)Sudan delegation returns; Findings reflect new UN report: no genocide in Darfur (FCN, 02-10-2005)In Harlem, a discussion on the Sudan (FCN, 11-23-2004) ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (PANA) - An international pledging conference for the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) ended here May 26, expressing greater solidarity, but leaving issues of financial and material support...

‘Kill the Boer’ and the death of White-Supremacist Eugene Terre’Blanche

( - Controversy over Julius Malema, the African National Congress Youth League leader, and the recent killing of the White supremacist African Resistance Movement creator Eugene Terre'Blanche may be the spark that ignites dissatisfaction over the limited gains received by Blacks in post apartheid South Africa. First Terre'Blanche was a White racist Afrikaner whose viciousness and brutality in the...