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Political musical chairs, money, America and Egypts crisis

( - In a diplomatic move that displayed how fluid the developing situation in Egypt is, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns recently made the first senior level visit by a U.S. official since President Mohammed Morsi was overthrown by a widely disputed military coup. Though Burns said he came with no “American solutions, nor did I come...

International media and Obama’s message to the Muslim world

( - Pre- and post-reaction to President Obama's speech delivered in Cairo to the Muslim world was overwhelmingly favorable and seemed to take on new meaning as time progressed. According to the British daily, The Guardian, though the president didn't reveal any new policy programs June 4, the speech will go down in history for its tone–the vocabulary–he used...

South Africa: Zimbabwe poll results reflect people’s will

President Kenneth Kaunda speaks to Black journalists (FCN, 11-18-2003) Special Report on Zimbabwe (FCN, 11-05-2002) JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (PANA)–The South African government said recently that the outcome of the recent parliamentary elections in Zimbabwe was a credible reflection of the will of the people of Zimbabwe. In a statement issued after a meeting in Pretoria, the cabinet said it noted the...

Venus and Serena Williams Nigeria visit

LAGOS, Nigeria - On their first visit to Nigeria, Serena and Venus Williams wanted to inspire local kids to set their goals high. “We were really able to break the mold and win a lot of Grand Slams and a lot of tournaments and not only that, but kind of change the face of tennis,” Serena said Oct. 31 before...

Ghanaian activist halts coal plant, wins major prize

(GIN)—Coal kills.  Choose renewable. Those were the bedrock principles of environmental activist Chibeze Ezekiel, a grassroots organizer from Ghana, who in November was named one of five winners of the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize for 2020.  Through the efforts of Ezekiel and members of 350 Ghana Reducing Our Carbon (G-ROC), among others, the Ghanaian Minister of Environment was persuaded to drop...

Western forces, press try to delegitimize Africa neutrality toward Russia in U.S., NATO-led proxy war in Ukraine

The U.S.-led Western press machine is sucking the air out of the media-sphere  with its “domination of the information space” and social media platforms like Twitter are putting significant and influential voices in “twitter jail,” said Riaz Tayob, a researcher with the South African Chapter of the Southern and Eastern African Trade Institute, on Russian media outlet RT’s “World...

Africa is an indissoluble part of Cuban identity With the presence of the Cuban President, the central ceremony for Africa Day took place

A special commitment unites Cuba with Africa because through the blood of its children runs the blood of those human beings who were torn away from their lands and who made up one of the most shameful episodes of civilization: the slave trade. With that certainty, the central act for the Day of the Mother Continent was held on June...

Exploring Senegal and appreciating Africa

DAKAR, Senegal—“Bye, bye cold weather” and “As-Salaam Alaikum, Africa.” That’s what our group of 14, eight adults and six children, said as we boarded a nonstop plane to the Motherland for a 10-day trip to one of West Africa’s most popular destinations.  Let the excitement begin! The capital of Senegal in Dakar is famous for its lively markets, access to...

West African bloc to send delegation to Guinea after coup

ACCRA, Ghana—A delegation of West African leaders is to travel to Guinea to meet with the junta that toppled President Alpha Conde in a coup in early September. Top officials of West Africa’s influential economic bloc, ECOWAS, are expected to meet in Conakry, the capital, with the military officers now ruling the country and press them to immediately return the...

‘Poor Africa has to get her head in the right direction’

( - During the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's 1997 World Friendship Tour that included Liberia, he proclaimed even though Africa needs substantial assistance, it has the ability to help itself. “Africa does not need to be a beggar at the foot of America, or at the foot of Europe,” Min. Farrakhan declared in response to a reporter's question. “We...