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Belated acknowledgment: Ethiopia confirms Eritrean soldiers’ role in Tigray conflict

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has confirmed for the first time that troops from Eritrea entered Tigray during the recent conflict in the northern Ethiopian region. The conflict in Tigray erupted after forces loyal to the then-governing regional party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), attacked army bases across the region in early November last year, triggering a retaliatory offensive by federal...

A Dubai company’s staggering land deals in Africa raise fears about risks to Indigenous livelihoods

ABUJA, Nigeria—Matthew Walley’s eyes sweep over the large forest that has sustained his Indigenous community in Liberia for generations. Even as the morning sun casts a golden hue over the canopy, a sense of unease lingers. Their use of the land is being threatened, and they have organized to resist the possibility of losing their livelihood. In the past year,...

Libyan leader calls for international inquiry in Arafat’s death

TRIPOLI, Libya (PANA) - Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gadhafi  has called on the Arab League to make arrangements with the parties concerned to set up an international commission of enquiry into the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, an official source said here Sunday. "After the results of analyses have demonstrated that President Arafat was poisoned, I am calling...

Why U.S.-led NATO & its complicit press framing Africa as being in bed with Russia

Western media outlets in many cases have wrongly accused Africa of siding with Russia in its war against Ukraine. No mention is ever made of NATO’s involvement in provoking Russia’s recent invasion. “The war could have been avoided if NATO had heeded the warnings from amongst its own leaders and officials over the years that its eastward expansion would lead...

Decade of Sahel conflict leaves 2.5 million people displaced

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) called for concerted international action to end armed conflict in Africa’s central Sahel region, which has forced more than 2.5 million people to flee their homes in the last decade. Speaking to journalists in Geneva in mid-January, the agency’s spokesperson, Boris Cheshirkov, informed that internal displacement has increased tenfold since 2013, going from 217,000 to a staggering...

Tanzania swears in the world’s first female Black Muslim president

The African continent should be proud of Tanzania’s seamless passing of power to vice president now President Samia Suluhu Hassan. The world’s first Black Muslim female world leader took the oath of office holding a Holy Qur’an after the death of the East African country’s beloved president and former science professor John Magufuli. “I think the fact that she’s Muslim...

Is the turmoil in Niger leading to a power shift in West Africa?

Tensions in West Africa are boiling over in response to an unconstitutional power grab in the landlocked country of Niger after members of the presidential guard deposed its democratically elected pro-West president on July 26. The swift reaction from the international community and regional leaders has pitted African nations against other African nations. But a July 30 communique that included strong...

South Africa Seeks Legal Change To Allow Taking Of White-Owned Land

GINNEWS (GIN)–President Jacob Zuma finally addressed the long-unresolved matter of land reform, a demand of thousands of Black landless people whose properties were confiscated in the apartheid era. In his State of the Nation address, President Zuma pledged to break up White ownership of business and land to reduce inequality. He called on parliament to change South Africa's constitution to allow...

Egypt under international fire for rights abuses

The United Nations Human Rights Council has called out the Arab Republic of Egypt to end suppression of freedoms of expression and assembly. The council expressed “deep concern” for pervasive human rights violations committed with impunity by Egyptian authorities. A joint statement was signed by 31 mostly Western nations, including the United States, which has observer status on the council....

Killing in Nigeria based on religion condemned

Nigeria’s renowned Islamic theologian Ahmad Gumi, according to PRNigeria, said the lynching of Deborah Yakubu, a female Christian student at Sokoto’s Shehu Shagari College of Education, for allegedly making insulting remarks about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), was wrong, and did not reflect the Sunnah, the way or tradition, of the Prophet. While holding a religious instruction class in...