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Special protection for firearms industry opposed by Blacks, gun control advocates

WASHINGTON (–No effort to change or strengthen gun control laws will bring back Nafis, the seven-year-old son of Tennille Johnson, a young mother from Philadelphia. Her son was killed when a gun found on a city street and held by another child misfired. A .44 caliber revolver, Rossi model 720, launched the fatal bullet that struck the young...

LAPD seeks DEA, ATF help with gangs

CHARLENEM Call for 100,000 Man March and gang intervention The LAPD Corruption Scandal ( LOS ANGELES (–L.A. Mayor James K. Hahn and Police Chief William J. Bratton recently traveled to Washington to appeal to the Bush administration for intervention by personnel from federal law agencies into the city’s street gang problem. Julie Wong, Mayor Hahn’s public information officer who also made the...

Hawks to Bush: Military spending is inadequate

WASHINGTON (IPS)–If there was any doubt about the global ambitions of the Bush administration hawks, it was dispelled recently when a group of influential conservative figures complained that the current military budget of almost $400 billion–greater than the world’s 15 next biggest military establishments combined–is not enough to sustain U.S. strategy abroad. In a letter to the...

NASA Space shuttle disintegrates over Texas

FCNNEWSSOURCE NASA declared an emergency after losing communication with space shuttle Columbia as the craft soared over Texas several minutes before its expected landing Saturday.  The shuttle was carrying seven astronauts including the first Israeli in space. Fifteen minutes after the expected landing time, and with no word from the shuttle, NASA announced that search and rescue teams were...

You’re Wrong, Mr. Bush!

WASHINGTON–Tens of thousands of anti-war protestors braved bitter cold temperatures here Jan. 18 to register their bitter opposition to Bush administration plans to launch a war against Iraq. It was the third and largest anti-war protest since last April and it was part of a full weekend of anti-war activities celebrating the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, which was...

Bush bows to right on affirmative action

FCN Editorial: America refuses to repair the damage  WASHINGTON (–With the issue of racial diversity in higher education heading to the Supreme Court in March, President George Bush stepped into the hotly contested University of Michigan affirmative action debate on Jan. 15, calling the university’s admissions program for Blacks and Hispanics in the undergraduate and law schools unconstitutional. The comments,...

DC-area sniper victims file suit against gun shop, gun maker

FCNNEWSSOURCE The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence announced Jan. 16 that its Legal Action Project was filing a civil lawsuit, on behalf of the families of several victims of the D.C.-area sniper, against a gun dealer and manufacturer, saying they made it possible for the snipers to terrorize the Washington, D.C. region last fall. The suit charges Bull’s Eye...

Farrakhan: Saviours Day speech may be last before U.S. goes to war

FCNNEWSSOURCE New Year Interview with Minister Louis Farrakhan CHICAGO (–With signs of an imminent U.S. attack on Iraq looming, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said his an annual Saviours' Day address Feb. 23 at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion may well be his final public message before America goes to war. "The message will contain guidance...

Will draft assure that rich, poor fight U.S. wars?

WASHINGTON (–In times of war, all Americans–not just those who volunteer–should share equally the burden of military service. Legislation has been introduced in Congress by a decorated Korean War veteran to require just that: two years of mandatory military or civilian national service for every man and woman between the ages of 18 and 26. "If our great nation...

‘The system has failed’

CHICAGO–Recognizing that the Illinois death penalty system is "haunted by the demon of error," Gov. George Ryan Jan. 11 commuted the sentences of all Illinois’ Death Row inmates, a move unprecedented in U.S. history. With two days left in his term, Gov. Ryan declared that no inmate will remain on death row and the state’s 167 condemned prisoners...