New Year Interview with Minister Louis Farrakhan

CHICAGO (FinalCall.com)–With signs of an imminent U.S. attack on Iraq looming, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said his an annual Saviours’ Day address Feb. 23 at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion may well be his final public message before America goes to war.

“The message will contain guidance and warning for the government of the United States, the American people and Black people in particular,” Min. Farrakhan said. “As America goes to war and Homeland Security takes away many of the rights and privileges of the citizenry of the United States, we are going to need the guidance of God to get us safely through this period of darkness and even intense darkness.


“The Saviours’ Day message will be light for those who desire to get safely through this period of war, revolution and unparalleled bloodshed,” he said.

The internationally respected Black leader has written two personal letters to Mr. Bush since the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, giving his insight on what a war on Iraq would mean for America and offering assistance in reaching out to Muslim leaders in the Arab world. He has also traveled to the Middle East with Muslim and Christian clergy on a Peace Mission in order to avert a war.

“Iraq, in my judgment, is considered easy pickings in the war room with the war room strategists because, for all intents and purposes, since the end of the Gulf War in 1991, Iraq has been deprived of weapons of mass destruction. And through unjust sanctions, Iraq has been weakened militarily, scientifically, economically and otherwise,” the Minister said.

The perception that Iraq is easy pickings “is a lure for America to goad her into a trap that will ultimately bring about the downfall of the United States Government and the destruction of the power of America as we know it. I will discuss this in greater detail in my Saviours’ Day message, on Sunday, February 23.”

Min. Farrakhan warned that the U.S. government’s aim is to fight a war on two fronts, the second being an assault on the inner cities of America by targeting Muslims and Black youth in the name of eliminating drugs and gang violence.

He admonished Black rappers and entertainers to encourage Black youth through positive and inspiring lyrics in their songs, which would inspire proper thinking and proper actions.

“The re-education of the public, which is the duty of all in leadership, will cause us to make demands on our artists, their managers, promoters and the owners of the recording, movie and television industries so that the public will be fed a better diet spiritually and mentally, as well as musically and artistically,” he said.

Min. Farrakhan said America’s plans are setting her up for divine chastisement, just as the hand of God brought down ancient Babylon for her actions. “All of the great societies, nations and empires of the past, their rise and fall, are signs pointing to America and her world dominance. The greatest of these signs is Ancient Babylon and the Mystery Babylon of the Book of Revelation,” he warned.

The Saviours’ Day message, emanating from the UIC Pavilion, 525 S. Racine St. (at Harrison), is open to the public and will be viewed via satellite in 100 locations throughout the United States as well as internationally.