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Safe vaccine advocates plan March 31 protest in D.C.

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM Health care professionals, parents and activists are planning a mass protest March 31 in Washington, D.C., to defend civil liberties and parental rights against risky vaccines, environmental toxins, and unsafe food. Organizers of the demonstration themed, “Revolution for Truth,” are uniting under the hashtag #Revolution4Truth (   Organizers and supporters of the protest say corporate-controlled mainstream media distorts...

New York town mourns young Black police officer

Study documents tolerance for rogue officers in Black, Latino neighborhoods (FCN, 12-11-2007)End police brutality and mob attacks (FCN, 12-11-2007)Black officer gunned down by Chicago police (FCN, 04-26-2005) ( - Police officer Christopher Ridley, 23, a member of the Mount Vernon, New York Police Department, was laid to rest on Feb. 1, another victim of a police shooting. Officer Ridley was shot...

Bridging the gap in health care coverage for children

CHARLENEM LOS ANGELES ( - Parents who have lost their jobs, are struggling to find work, or planning for new mouths to feed are also fighting to get health insurance for their children. Advocates in California say help is there, but too few people know about it. Part of the help they are referring to is Healthy Families, California's State Health Insurance Program,...

U.S. paramedic involved in death of Black man avoids prison

A paramedic out of the two involved in sedating a young Black man to death while he was subjected to a chokehold by U.S. police has been sentenced to four months of probation with 14 months of work release instead of being imprisoned. Jeremy Cooper, 49, a former paramedic with Aurora Fire Rescue, was found guilty in December of criminally negligent...

Change begins in the heart

How many times have you heard relatives, friends or co-workers lament, “I wanna …” They will get involved with a “quick fix” program of some sort and a month later they are back where they started, or in some cases worse than before. Our basements, closets and medicine cabinets are loaded with $79.95 “money-back guaranteed” solutions that are...

Failing grade for home loan modification program?

-Staff Writer- WASHINGTON ( - While the Obama administration's first monthly Servicer Performance Report detailing the progress of the Making Home Affordable loan modification program claims rapid progress in a few short months, others contend the findings show a failing effort. “The report card issued by the Treasury Department Aug. 4, shows that financial companies deserve a failing...

Promoting peace and sharing the Word of God

The Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.), men who belong to the Nation of Islam, are on a mission to promote “peace in the streets” by going out into the communities with The Final Call newspaper. This allows the brothers to engage with community residents, and share a positive word. Armed with an uplifting spirit, the F.O.I. shares the wisdom and hope...

Black faces in high places doesn’t mean progress for Black people, argue critics

In recent days, President-elect Joe Biden has been following through on his “promise” to repay the debt owed to African American voters by naming Blacks to his Cabinet and senior administration positions. Biden, political pundits and elections experts credit the Black electorate for powering the Biden-Harris ticket to the White House. Mr. Biden said during his acceptance speech, days after...

Newark’s favorite son works to rescue, renew his hometown

“When we came into office, we knew what we wanted to do and what we needed to accomplish; so, now we are laying down the foundation–moving in the right direction,” said Newark's new mayor Ras Baraka in an exclusive interview with The Final Call. “Newark is a transformative city. I am positive concerning its future — people need to come...

2020 Census called ‘worst undercount’ in decades as bureau misses millions of Blacks and Latinos

According to many experts, the Covid-19 pandemic and an administration that displayed a complete disregard for ensuring accuracy led to a consequential undercount in the number of Black, Latino, and Native American residents during the 2020 U.S. Census. Further, Census officials admit that they overcounted White and Asian residents. The bureau reported the overall population as 323.2 million. “The undercounting of Black,...