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Poverty stabilizes as uninsured rate rises

NEW YORK ( - The Mayor's Commission for Economic Opportunity has stated that 50 percent of the children born in New York City are born in poverty. This translates into over 300,000 children in the city not having health insurance. New York City's billionaire mayor, Michael Bloomberg, says the local government must provide health insurance for those children who...

Universal health care – a right or privilege?

LOS ANGELES ( - California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's recent veto of legislation that would have provided health insurance to all California residents is acknowledged as a setback, but not a deterrent, according to health advocates championing universal health care. “Our concept of universal health insurance is to provide everyone with financial protection against healthcare losses, so that they...

Muhammad continues to Speak

FCNNEWSSOURCE We are building on a foundation of 44 years of labor ( - Thirty-four years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was born on or about Oct. 7, 1897 in Sandersville, Georgia. The exact date of his birth remains unknown because recordkeeping in rural Georgia for the descendants of slaves was not kept current,...

Challenging U.S. hegemony

UNITED NATIONS ( - In his opening remarks before the United Nations General Assembly, President Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela decried the “hegemony” of the United States, describing President George Bush’s address the day before as a recipe for ruling the world. He said the democracy promoted by the American president was a false one of elites, for no...

Number of anti-Muslim incidents jumps 30 percent

JIM.LOBE Neoconservatives push internment for American Muslims (FCN, 02-18-2005)‘Islamophobia’ spreading in U.S. and Europe (FCN, 01-04-2005)Muslim publisher speaks on issues facing Islamic communities since 9/11 (FCN, 09-11-2003) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - Complaints of discrimination, harassment and violence against Muslims jumped over 30 percent in 2005 from the previous year, according to a report released Sept. 18 by the Council on American-Islamic...

Exercising during Ramadan

AM: There is nothing wrong with exercising during Ramadan, as long as you exercise during the earlier morning hours so you have time to drink water before the sun comes up. Or you may choose to exercise after the sun goes down. I definitely wouldn’t recommend exercising at 8 o’clock in the morning, and then not drinking water...

Home Schooling: Fastest growing way to educate children

( - In 1991, when Paula Penn-Nabrit and her husband C. Madison Nabrit decided to home-school their three boys, they had no idea they would be pioneers in what is now the fastest growing method of educating Black children. “We were struggling to do what we thought was best for our sons. We had them in a prestigious private...

Black youth thrive under charter school curriculum

The Culture and Language Academy of SuccessView Park Preparatory LOS ANGELES ( - It has been just over 10 years since the charter school movement forged into existence with much anticipation and hope, matched by just as much skepticism and opposition. But the intended goal of a superior, not necessarily equal, education that boosts the learning development of...

Fathers make a presence on the first day of school

The Million Father March (A Blackstart Project Initiative) ( - When 13-year-old Alonzo Juhans started Greenbelt Middle School in August, he didn’t start alone. His dad, Larry, went to school with him every day for the first week. “He’s starting middle school and I wanted to give him a jump start. I wanted him to have a certain rhythm....

Recollections of Katrina relief effort

Unmasking New Orleans - FCI Documentary: (View Trailer) WASHINGTON ( - In the wake of the sorrow, tragedy and massive frustration over official national bureaucratic blunders, insensitivity and neglect of the mostly Black victims of Hurricane Katrina, there was a heartwarming local response from grassroots citizens to the local government and even cooperating corporations. Hundreds of evacuees, stung by being...