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The Millions More Movement: Alive and well in the South

Millions More Movement Online ( - At the Nation of Islam’s annual Saviours’ Day held Feb. 25 in Detroit, Mich., the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave marching orders to the tens of thousands in attendance about the need for the Millions More Movement (MMM) held on October 15, 2005 commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Million Man March to...

Muhammad University of Islam students evolve to the next level

FCNNEWSSOURCE “Education is supposed to be the proper cultivation of the gifts and talents of the individual through the acquisition of knowledge. Knowledge satisfies our natural thirst for gaining that which will make us one with our Maker. So true education cultivates the person–mind, body and spirit–by bringing us closer to fulfilling our purpose for being, which is to...

American Jim Crow injustice

ASKIAMSenior Correspondent The case of Genarlow Wilson WASHINGTON ( - Black leaders all over the country, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus, “vigorously object to the miscarriage of justice in the case of Genarlow Wilson,” who remains imprisoned despite a Georgia state judge’s order to release him. Mr. Wilson was sentenced to 10 years in prison for having consensual sex when...

Amidst his legal battles, CBC members stand by congressman

ASKIAMSenior Correspondent WASHINGTON ( - Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) entered a not guilty plea in Federal Court June 8, to an inch-thick, 16-count bribery, racketeering, and money-laundering indictment. “I am absolutely innocent of the charges that have been leveled against me and I’m going to fight my heart out to clear my name,” Mr. Jefferson said in a prepared statement after...

Federal court denies motion to halt Cherokee election

FCNNEWSSOURCE The union of the Black and the Red (FCN, 05-21-2007)Racism and the Cherokee Nation (FCN, 04-08-2007) WASHINGTON, D.C.  - On June 13, the Federal District Court denied a motion to halt the June 23 Cherokee election. Six Cherokee Freedmen filed a Motion for Preliminary Injunction in the Federal District Court in the District of Columbia on March 8, 2007 against...

Latinos, Blacks at risk due to high cost of prescriptions

Universal health care–a right or privilege? (FCN, 10-12-2006)The connection between wealth and health (FCN, 06-06-2006)Medical group formed to address health disparities (FCN, 04-30-2003) ( - Being poor, Black or Latino and in need of prescription drugs can be an unhealthy combination. According to a new national study of adults 18 and older, released in May by the American Association...

A challenge to make housing affordable

“Look at how we are uprooted and displaced from the cities in which we live. Using the tools of poverty, gangs, drugs and weaponry, there is a plot to move Blacks out of the inner cities so that Whites can move back in. The cities are devastated to the point that when enough people move out, when enough buildings...

Take care of your core

Preview in new tab I am still on a high after attending the Living in the Light Women’s conference in Washington, D.C./Virginia May 25-27. The spirit was beautiful and the care and treatment of the women was exemplary, which is a reflection of the sincere sisterhood and good leadership in that area. A question that was frequently asked in...

Bush Admin seeks permanent military bases in Iraq

JIM.LOBE Why is the military building 'permanent' bases? (FCNL)Graphical Overview of Iraq's Oil fields and facilities (Image)Iraq: Permanent US Colony (Dahr Jamail, 03-14-2006) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - President George W. Bush appears to have rejected the Iraq Study Group’s call to pledge not to establish permanent military bases in Iraq. White House spokesman Tony Snow recently confirmed that Pres. Bush favors a...

D.C. ‘exodus’ sparks district renewal efforts for Whites

WASHINGTON, D.C. ( - By the year 2020, if demographers predictions are correct, the nation’s capital will no longer be a “Chocolate City,” but more of a melting pot of cultures with no one group as the majority, according to U.S. Census Reports released last month. D.C.’s Black population is declining, while the White and Asian population is increasing. “The...