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Thousands declare ‘get your knee off of our necks’ at March on Washington anniversary gathering

People attend the March on Washington, Aug. 28, in Washington, on the 57th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech. Photo: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

WASHINGTON—The summer of virus and rage culminated at the Lincoln Memorial with the political gathering of the summer as thousands of mostly Black and Brown people, young and old gathered to demand change on the same day as the first March on Washington almost six decades ago. It was 57 years to the day when Martin Luther King predicted in...

Justice for Breonna Taylor! Marches, protests, pressure still mounting, and a stubborn campaign pushes forward

“You’re going down there and you’re fighting for me. You’re fighting for your niece, Layla. You’re fighting for mom,” Larry Powell’s sister told him. He has been in Louisville, Ky., for over two weeks to help in the fight for justice for Breonna Taylor. The 26-year-old emergency room technician died when police officers forcibly entered her apartment and, after a...

America caught Covid-19; Black America caught hell, says Urban League

True to form, the National Urban League’s 2020 State of Black America Report highlights the plight of Black inequality and economics in America. And, this year’s 44th edition focuses on the Covid-19 global pandemic, racial justice, and imperatives for Black survival. “America caught the coronavirus and Black America caught hell,” opens “Unmasked,” the benchmark report. It outlines the coronavirus’ impact...

Hope, hype aren’t enough to give Black votes to Biden

Coming out of their convention, Democrats are braced to attack an embattled president trailing in the polls, who is pushing fears of a stolen election, and sabotaging vote-by-mail during a pandemic seeking to use race, White fear and White animosity to stay in office. Eager to contrast their nominee with President Trump, the Democrats cast Joe Biden as a man...

Exposed on the world stage: U.S. police violate human rights at home

America loves to operate as the world’s moral police, but now, the world is watching her.  At least, according to a recent report by Amnesty International, titled, “USA: The World is Watching: Mass Violations by U.S. Police of Black Lives Matter Protesters’ Rights.” Following the killing of George Floyd, the human rights organization documented what it reports as “serious human rights...

Second Choice Matters: Biden’s VP pick and Election 2020

WASHINGTON—With news that Joe Biden is days away from choosing a vice presidential candidate, talk has centered on whether he should pick a Black woman, why, what his campaign stands to gain and what each potential woman brings to the table.  Mr. Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is considering former National Security Adviser Susan Rice; California Sen. Kamala Harris;...

Sowing disorder, disruption and discord

Portland activists first got word of federal agents in the city a few days before they arrived. Through the organization Don’t Shoot Portland, Tai Carpenter would receive messages from hotel owners who had turned down contracts from people trying to house agents or from people saying they saw federal agents at the airport. After about two months of nonstop protest...

The Truth About Farrakhan

DECEIVING, DEFAMING, DESTROYING: The Jewish onslaught against Blacks as part of campaign to destroy Farrakhan The Jewish assault on entertainer Nick Cannon and efforts to bludgeon him into submission were the latest moves in a long history of anti-Black bullying and coercion by Jews obsessed with the destruction of Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan—no matter the cost or the...

The Last Man Standing and Why Black Folk Love Him

Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”  —John 10:31,32 (NIV) He it is Who sends down clear messages to His servant, that he may bring you forth from darkness into light. And surely Allah...

‘In Good Company’:

Great Leaders Opposed By Jewish Groups The magnificent message delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on July 4, 2020, watered the souls of millions of people in America and around the world.  Within 24 hours, the Minister’s message had been viewed by at least 1.8 million people.  And the reactions to his bold and divinely inspired message have been...