Unveiling The Number 19

Home Columns Unveiling The Number 19 Page 56

Echoes from Mongolia – Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Project

"And we revealed to Moses saying: Travel by night with my servants–you will be pursued. And Pharaoh sent heralds into the cities (proclaiming): These are indeed a small band, And they have surely engaged us: And we are truly a vigilant multitude." Holy Qur’an, Surah 26, Verses 52-56. By the time this current publication of The Final Call newspaper is...

The month of RED October – Remembering Sister Michelle – The continual passage to life

By Mother Tynetta Muhammad "The revelation of the Book is from Allah,the Mighty, the Wise. Surely We have revealed to thee the Book with truth, soserve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience."Holy Qur’an, Surah 39, Verses1-2. In remembering our Sister Michelle in hercontinual passage to life in the midst of the month of red October, she has leftus with much...

Celebrating better than a thousand months of Islam in America on the 7th anniversary of the Million Man March

IN SEARCH OF THE MESSIAH "Seest thou not that to Allah makes submission whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth, and the sun and the moon and the stars, and the mountains and the trees, and the animals and many of the people? And many there are to whom chastisement is due. And he whom...