[Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint and was published in Vol. 39, No. 38; and The Final Call will continue to publish articles written by our beloved brother and friend, Minister Jabril Muhammad.]
My last article was inspired by a few recent short talks I had with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. He was in profound pain. I was deeply affected by his condition. I love him. I also know he is being divinely guided. Therefore, there is always significance for him, as well as for us and others, in what he experiences, as it was for such specially guided persons in the past, according to the scriptures.
So I knew that in the specific physical problems he was/is suffering–especially at this time–there was also that which was going on, in and through him. So I listened carefully. To know the actual facts of any event is always a prerequisite, a definite precondition or a major requirement to seeing accurately and deeper into anything, and then eventually into the why–Allah willing.
Our dear Brother’s condition filled my mind as I wrote my last article and that which could not fit into it. That’s for articles after this one, be it the Will of Allah. This article is intended for us to look into last week’s article more deeply.
The timing during which this particular episode of his illness is occurring, the extreme nature of his pain, and the force within him that drives him to overcome that he may help others out of their pain–as we travel with him on the road to Jerusalem–compelled me to think on a major aspect of the wisdom of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad: We’re in the time of the recreation of everything.
This subject is not easy to present, especially in a tiny article. But first, it must be understood that the part I touched last week is a part of the intimately integrated teaching the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught, which is the explanation of the whole of reality. This is what Minister Farrakhan bears witness to in a unique way, in his person.
I chose what I did because it could, if understood, quickly provide us with healing insights into the significance of Minister Farrakhan’s suffering and redemptive work for us and for others. It could deepen our appreciation of him and each other. It could help us deal more appropriately with our own pain and help us see deeper into the nature of these times and why we are collectively going through what we are going through.
It’s now the 19th of May and I’ve just now finished watching the DVD on which was recorded the soulful speech Minister Farrakhan delivered–while in tremendous pain. It’s entitled: Where Would We Be Without Pain. It’s dated May 2, 2005. Get it. He brilliantly used his own pain to teach many lessons, including pain’s value, as he helped everyone deal with their pain.
Ten years ago, I read some of “Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants” written by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancy. I cited this book in a series of articles involving pain. You can read them by visiting my website www.writtentestimony.com.
To be told that this is the time the scriptures teach that God is making a new heaven and a new earth may seem meaningless to most of us. We’re struggling to make ends meet; trying to avoid being jailed or get out of prison; etc., etc., etc., etc., as we deal with our daily struggles.
Many think that this kind of recreation talk is religious mumbo-jumbo, a waste of time that serves no practical purpose; solves no practical problems; time-wasting “egghead talk.” Not so.
To understand what exactly is going on, every one of us must consider or study the most significant truths and then adjust ourselves to the rapid changes now taking place. Let’s get our priorities in order.
Many things may help to open, unbolt or unlock our attitude towards this subject. They can come from many and unexpected sources. Here are two.
There is a TV program that comes on Saturdays and Sundays on C-Span, called “Book TV.” It features authors promoting their most recently published books. One such program (The L. A. Times Festival of Books featured four panelists, who were four foreign correspondents (and authors) at a college campus.
During the question and answer period a student asked: “My goal is to become a war correspondent, also specializing in human rights abroad. And so all this talk about the new journalism, you know, the bad journalists that are coming into the profession–I have a clean slate. So give me advice.
“I just want to know what was your first experience with war reporting? What have you learned that you wish you knew then and what can I do to become what you hope is a good journalist?”
Mark Bowden, author of “Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War,” one of the panelists, responded:
“One piece of advice I would give you is don’t pretend to know more than you know and to realize how little you know. Realize how much power something new has. An image, a story something true that people hadn’t known before has tremendous power in the world. It’s amazing how much gets said and written and reported that doesn’t tell you anything new.
“So, if you want to be a foreign correspondent and a war reporter, if you get the opportunity to do that, you’ll have a chance to go places that most Americans don’t go.
“You won’t know anything. You ought to know that you don’t know anything. That’s important. Pay attention and ask questions and try not to make up your mind about what you’re going to discover before you discover it.
“Tell the truth, you know, and always be working on the most ambitious thing you have ever done. That way you’ll continue to grow.”
On a BBC TV science program, entitled “Exploring Einstein: The Life of a Genius,” the narrator ended it with:
“Einstein’s battle with quantum mechanics showed that even the greatest scientist could not, on his own, achieve the objectivity needed to read the mind of God. As a result, though beautiful in its intention, Einstein’s version of the ‘Theory of Everything’ would remain his unfinished symphony.”
Like so many of the scientists of this world, Einstein looked in the wrong place for the explanation of all things. It’s right here where the “wise” of this world least expect to find it–with the spiritually dead, but rapidly awakening, ex-slaves and ex-Negroes of America.
God, Himself, has visited us, in fulfillment of His own words, written thousands of years ago, wherein He said: “I was sought by those who did not ask; I was found by those who did not seek Me. I said: Here I am, here I am to a nation that was not called by My name.” (Holman Christian Standard Bible; Isaiah 65).
He has and is giving to us His mind and the explanation of all things, first, through the Messiah, who eventually shared with the world–and now more broadly with the world, as you see occurring via Minister Farrakhan.
So, let’s become better students, less judgmental, more broadminded and definitely more humble.
More, next issue, Allah willing.