A protester holds a sign as demonstrators gather in downtown Chicago on Oct. 10 to protest the war in Gaza and the genocide of the Palestinian people by the Is-raeli government. Photo: Photo: Haroon Rajaee

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”—Bible, Matthew 24:6-8

The year 2024 was defined by 12 months of incessant war and eluded peace. It was 52 weeks of a world slipping deeper into an abyss of acute crises, destabilization, unprecedented calamities, death tolls in the tens of thousands and mass displacements surpassing hundreds of thousands of people. This was fueled by intensified war, making it a year of great trouble and tribulation.

The year concluded with the overthrow of Syria and the removal of its president, Bashar al-Assad. The year also chronicled the genocidal war on Palestinians by the occupier state of Israel in the name of warring against the Palestinian resistance group Hamas.

This year also carried over the brutal Russia-Ukraine war that has descended to more perilous levels, and other conflicts spreading throughout the earth.

Palestinians mourn relatives killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, at a hospital in Deir al-Balah, Oct. 1. Photo: AP Photo/Abdel Kareem Hana

While the temperature of war increased, unusual calamities also increased worldwide. For instance, in April the arid deserts of the United Arab Emirates were impacted by abnormal rain.

Some reports said what started as “scattered droplets” became a “deluge” within minutes and branded it an “apocalyptic experience.” Saudi Arabia experienced rain and unprecedented hail and snow throughout the year.

From coast to coast, America experienced diverse calamities of earthquakes, devastating wildfires, raging hurricanes, torrential downpours and flooding, and on top of that was crippling snow and ice storms. With wars on the one hand and calamities on the other hand, it begs the question, what does it all indicate?

The events that increased in 2024 were in fulfillment of prophecies that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, his National Representative, warned about, said Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad.

The two divinely guided men provided the proper perspective on the unusual circumstances and events happening in our lifetime, nationally in America, and globally, Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad, National Assistant to Minister Farrakhan, told The Final Call.

Israeli army tanks maneuver in a staging area in northern Israel near the Israel-Lebanon border, Oct. 1. Photo: AP Photo/Baz Ratner

“They gave us the proper interpretation of scripture and pointed out to us that we are living in the time that Jesus foretold,” he said, adding, “which means that we are living in the day of God’s Judgment, and the end of the world that has been under the rule of Satan.” 

All that is being witnessed and that many people experienced and survived in different parts of the country where calamities struck were all in fulfillment of prophecy and what Jesus told the disciples would mark the end days and the end and collapse of the world that we are living in, he explained.

“He said that there would be wars and rumors of wars, pestilence and famine (and) there would be revolutions. And Jesus said, when you see all of these things, do not be afraid, because these things must happen. But the end is not yet,” Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad said, quoting scriptures from the Bible.

“Nation is going to rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there’ll be earthquakes and famines in various places, and fearful events and great signs from above,” he continued.

World regions are oscillating in conflict. In Africa, an ongoing civil war in Sudan has killed nearly 15,000 people and displaced 8.2 million people.

The Council on Foreign Relations said nearly two million displaced Sudanese have fled to unstable areas in neighboring Chad, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. A perpetual war over precious minerals in eastern Congo continues between government forces and rebel fighters, backed allegedly by bordering Rwanda.

Palestinians walk through the destruction left by the Israeli air and ground offensive on the Gaza Strip near Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, April 1. Photo: AP Pho-to/Mohammed Hajjar

Across the African Sahel, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali are battling violent extremist groups. They are asserting self-determination from America and France, their former colonial power.  Meanwhile, competition by non-African powers for control and influence of natural resources abounds.

In East Asia, territorial and economic disputes between China, Japan, South Korea, and North Korea lend to a dangerously volatile situation. The Caribbean is mired with challenges. The most tragic being the instability and violence in Haiti spawned by years of foreign meddling. World bodies like the United Nations, mandated to address the state of the world, have proven ineffective.

“Our world is in a whirlwind. We are in an era of epic transformation—facing challenges unlike any we have ever seen—challenges that demand global solutions,” said Antonio Guterres, secretary general of the UN, giving his annual General Assembly Report in September.

Speaking to heads of state and government, the UN chief said he stood before them with two overriding truths: “First, the state of our world is unsustainable—we cannot go on like this. And second, the challenges we face are solvable—but that requires us to make sure the mechanisms of international problem-solving actually solve problems.”

Come 2025, the UN turns 80 years old and obtaining freedom, justice, equality and world peace has escaped it. In 2024 ending the annual General Assembly, world leaders concluded the UN needs to “reset,” “reform” and do something different to resolve world crises. 

Understanding the troubled times

In the preface of his pivotal book “Message To The Black Man In America,” the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote: “As we near the exhaustion of the Wisdom of this world which has not been able to shed enough light on our path in search for that Supreme Wisdom to keep us from stumbling and falling, we now seek the wisdom of Allah, The Best Knower and Guide in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (to Whom be praised forever).”

Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad stressed the need to know that God has intervened in what is happening on the global stage. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan, who is the “trumpet of Elijah Muhammad,” have warned about the fate of this world and God’s Active Will to usher in a new world structured on freedom, justice, equality, and righteousness, he said. 

“We have to know how to survive and get through the collapse of a world to the dawn of a new world,” said Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad. 

“The people that live in the world must know that God is judging today, and He’s going to make it so clear as to why He’s judging, and then give us that standard and then command us to be in harmony with the requirements of the time, that we might be successful and come through God’s judgment of this present world,” he said, quoting Minister Farrakhan.

Members of the General Security Unit of the National Palace, USGPN, set up a security perimeter around one of the three downtown stations after police fought off an attack by gangs the day before, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, March 9. Photo: AP Photo/Odelyn Joseph

As the year transitions into 2025, Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad called attention to the necessity to revisit and view Minister Farrakhan’s message at the Nation of Islam’s 2024 Saviours’ Day convention entitled, “What Does Allah The Great Mahdi And The Great Messiah Have To Say About The War In The Middle East?” delivered on Feb. 25.

“As I ran through the year, you know, with the wars and the calamities and the severe weather,” he said, “the most significant was what Minister Farrakhan said at Saviours’ Day, and then being told to be quiet,” said Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad. 

After delivering the message, Minister Farrakhan was instructed by his teacher, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, to be silent and watch the events unfold, because God is doing the talking now. 

“So, if we really look at the most significant development in 2024 outside of the war in the Middle East … Ukraine … conflicts over here, the calamities, it was that the Minister was told by his teacher not to have anything to say in the public at this time,” said Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad.

He explained that Minister Farrakhan’s voice has been as a trumpet sounding the “final call” to submission and obedience to the Will of God. However, the final call nor the trumpet can blow or be issued forever. For many years, Minister Farrakhan has said that when God shuts his mouth, it means God’s Wrath is to come down upon the people.

Another major note about 2024 was the aftermath of the U.S. national presidential election in November. After a highly energetic campaign for who will rule America, there is now pause-like quiet in all of the fervor and everything that was happening around the election. Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad described the atmosphere as a “lull before the storm,” lifting words from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

A TV screen shows a report of North Korea’s multiple short-range ballistic missiles with file footage during a news program at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Nov. 5. Photo: AP Photo/Lee Jin-man

On page 37 of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s prophetic book “The Fall of America,” published in 1973, he wrote about the National Election that are applicable to the 2024 election.

“This election is one of the most serious in the history of American government because either party that seeks the office of presidency is faced with the problem of saving the lives of the people of America,” he wrote. “If the present party (Democratic) remains in office, you know the answer.

If the Republican party takes over, you should know the answer,” the Honorable Elijah Muhammad continued. “There will be a lull before the storm. The storm can be delayed and every hour and day that it can be delayed is to your benefit,” he wrote.

“I’m looking at the developments overseas,” said Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad. “The storm is war. It’s wars on the horizon,” he said. “They’re talking peace, but it’s not going to hold. … There’s going to be the great war that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned us was on the horizon,” he explained. This great war is also referred to in scripture as “The War of Armageddon.”

What to expect in 2025?

A survey of 33 countries conducted by the Paris-based Ipsos Group, a multinational market research and consulting firm, found a sense of unease permeates as people face a “complex and uncertain future” for 2025.

“A prevailing sense of unease characterizes global expectations for world security in 2025,” Ipsos said in its Predictions Survey 2025, released Dec. 11.

“While pandemic fears have slightly subsided (47% globally, down one percentage point from 2023), the threat of nuclear conflict (49% likely) looms large, with Indonesians (79%) and Malaysians (67%) feeling particularly worried,” the report noted.

On the topic of war, Ipsos said Western nations tend to be more pessimistic about the resolution of ongoing conflicts in comparison to emerging economies. For instance, hopes for resolving the war in Ukraine have diminished to 27 percent globally (down four percentage points). The sentiment signals a time of great transition.

Time is told not only by the events but also according to the man of God in our midst, explained Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad. “He is before us as a man from God who’s described in the scriptures as a ‘watchman on the wall.’ He’s alerting, and has alerted the people of God’s Anger, God’s Judgment, of not only America but of the world,” said Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad. 

Minister Farrakhan’s silence since February has serious ramifications because when the messenger of God who is among the people is ordered by God not to say anything else, it means now God is about to act on everything the man of God has been warning about, he added.

Everything that is occurring, the believer in God, whether Christian or Muslim, must see that God is doing the talking now and that God is in control of everything, explained Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad.

“So, 2025 is going to be a very, very difficult, trying year for the followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, for the Black community, for America, and for the inhabitants of our planet, because God is not pleased, and that’s why the book of Revelation says the nations were angry, and God’s wrath is come. That’s what we’re facing now, as we go into 2025,” said Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad.