Sister Khalila Muhammad, Sister Aisha Muhammad and Sister Kaliyah Muhammad greet the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Mother Khadijah Muhammad at The Michigan Farm. Sis. Aisha and Sis. Khalila are sisters and Sis Kaliyah is Sis Aisha’s daughter. Photo: Haroon Rajaee

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Mother Khadijah Farrakhan were all smiles as they greeted M.G.T. and G.C.C. from various mosques who were invited to The Michigan Farm on Sept. 14. They were there for the 2024 Michigan Farm Farmers Market, which was a huge success.

The farmer’s market—coordinated by Sister Betsy Jean Farrakhan, the daughter of Minister Farrakhan and Mother Khadijah—offers fresh, healthy produce grown at the farm.

Three sisters made a beautiful impression on Mother Khadijah and she asked The Final Call to take a picture of them for the newspaper. Sister Khalila Muhammad, Sister Aisha Muhammad and Sister Kaliyah Muhammad were blessed to take a picture with the Minister and Mother.

All praise is due to Allah (God)!
