Large scale vegetable farm. Photo: Pexels

 [Editor’s note:  The following article contains excerpts from radio station Hot 105.1 FM’s The Breakfast Club interview with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan by hosts DJ Envy, Charlamagne Tha God and Angela Yee, which aired on Tuesday, May 24, 2016.]

The first thing Elijah Muhammad said we should do with your first million dollars—He said, ‘Set up farming to feed your people,’ that’s number one. A bank, that your people trust you, they can put money in their own bank for investment. Let’s start with farming first.

Right now in the inner cities there are called food deserts. When you go to a shop or your wife goes to shop, you shop in neighborhoods where you think the food is better. And you can’t afford Whole Foods, because it’s more expensive, but it’s organically grown food.

But look at all the empty lots in the Black community. What’s happening with those lots in our community? Suppose we went to the mayor… and we want those lots. What do we have to do to get them?


What are you going to do with them? We’re going to set up urban gardening. We have learned how to do that. In Chicago, we are looking at that. In Newark, New Jersey, Ras Baraka is doing that.

We know how to produce good quality food. That’s one of the first things we should do, because they’re killing us through the food, through the water.  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, ‘The water should be 99% pure for human consumption.’

The water is not that! They’ve got all kinds of chemicals in the water right now. So a Black man or Black woman, you look at the sperm count of great-grandpa, and look at your own sperm count. Grandpa, in any emission—from a billion to several billion sperms at one emission.

Today, they got things in the water that cut your sperm count. And in your 30s, you have to go get a pill because you can’t have an erection. So now you look on TV, ‘Let’s have some …’ Viagra is one … Ciallis.

When you have that child coming in you have to be careful of the vaccines that your children are getting. There are scientists that worked for the CDC that have blown the whistle and admitted that they were a part of creating genetically specific vaccines that do damage to black boys.

And that fulfills the Scriptures, Pharaoh saw the Children of Israel multiplying. And he said, ‘Come let us deal wisely with them lest they multiply join on to an enemy, and come against us.” Well, what are you gonna do Pharaoh? ‘We’re gonna kill the boys. Spare the female.’

And right now Black boys, Black men are dying at unprecedented rates and our women’s population getting stronger and stronger.  I went to the graduation the other night of my first great-grandchild. He is 21 or 22.

Right at the graduation, I looked, and 92 percent of those that graduated at the University of Illinois, were female. Now where can a Black female, who are now the lawyers, the engineers, they are the ones graduating with top degrees. Where will they find in a Black male a counterpart that is equal to them.

We’re filling the jails. We’re filling the prisons. We’re filling the armed forces but we are not filling schools. So we are ill-equipped to do anything to build our people. And that’s what we would call a conspiracy that has been planned for us.

If you are pregnant right now, I pray God that you are wise enough to protect what’s growing in your womb, because that is what’s frightening the Enemy. Babies are coming forth from the Black community, the Brown community, and the poor White community that have the sense of genius. The children that are born—they’re not laying down for weeks. Then pulling their head up.

The minute they come out of the womb their head is up, they’re looking around, they are perceptive, as babies! And if we vaccinate them improperly—This doesn’t mean that there are not good vaccines, but I ask the doctor, ‘What’s in that vial?’ He will tell me, ‘That’s x and y,’ I said, ‘how do you know?’

‘Have you been able to test that to tell me what’s in that is what the label says?’ Say yes, that sounds good to me. That what’s in that is what the label says?’  We’ve got to set up, in our own community, our scientists and scholars that can check what is going into our people.

How To Eat To Live

We have the talent, it’s here, but we trust our Enemy. This is the same man who went to—General Elmhurst was his name—a college is named after a murderer. He went to the native people telling them that, ‘all you need is this blanket. And it’ll keep you warm during the winter months.’

But the blanket was filled with smallpox. And we wrapped ourselves in the blanket and we wrapped ourselves in death. We’re too trusting of our Enemies. Haven’t they shown us enough in 460 years that we ought to check them out and what they give us out?

That’s why they close trauma centers in the Black community, and force our children who are killing each other, to go into hospitals where we are guinea pigs. We really have to wake up now, because we are really living in the Valley of the Shadow of Death and it’s going to take all of us being alert!

Your lifestyle is what has to change. You are your own worst enemy when you adopt a lifestyle that is not a lifestyle, but it’s actually death. You hang out, you eat the wrong foods. My dear sisters, you have to learn how to cook. You know, when I was coming along every girl had to study home economics.

Every boy that didn’t want to go to college had a school to go to learn a trade. Right now, all the trade schools are gone. And girls don’t really learn not just how to cook, but the science of cooking. Food is what maintains the life you have. The flesh of your body— check any green leafy thing. You see the pores; you see the veins.

Go look at a leaf, you see the same pores, the same veins. You eat a good healthy leaf, it strengthens your life, your blood! The stone of the Earth is the bone of your body and all of these things are maintained through nutrition.

So what the enemy has done … He takes the mineral strength out of the food, and then processes it and puts it in a pill so you go to a health food store. When yesterday, the supermarket really had food in it that gave you energy direct from the farm.

Now you’ve got food coming from South America, from California. Well hell, if it’s from California, by the time it gets to New York, what condition is it?  They gas the food, they color the food, they make the food look good but when you eat it ask yourself—30, 40, 50 years ago, cancer was a Caucasian disease.

We didn’t have that. But today we lead in every type of cancer. It’s because of malnutrition. We’re getting bigger, fatter, dumber—sorry but that’s real, because we don’t know what to do with what comes from the earth naturally.

Men should cook because Elijah Muhammad cooked. He Taught the women of the Nation how to cook because that’s what he was Taught. So yes, men should learn to cook, as well. And I told my wife, you know, as I’m getting older, I really would like to know how to do that. Because it would relax my mind just to get in the kitchen and cook up something, because I’m learning the science of food.