America is under Allah’s (God’s) Divine Judgment and is being chastised through extreme forces of nature. The unprecedented tornadoes and hurricanes, floods, hail, catastrophic mudslides, severe drought and heat are straining the country’s economy.

These weather conditions stem not from climate change, but from the Wrath of (Allah) God and the Four Great Judgments of rain, hail, snow and earthquake warns the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his servant, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Recently, South Florida has been beset with rain bringing record-setting flooding. According to AccuWeather tropical rainstorms delivered 20 inches of rain in 24 hours impacting travel and damaging property.

Vehicles were stranded on roads that were transformed into rivers across South Florida on June 12, including around Fort Lauderdale and Miami, as a tropical deluge inundated the region, reported


States of emergency were declared in Broward, Collier, Lee, Miami-Dade and Sarasota counties and residents were warned to stay off the roads and to stay away from flood waters. More than 600 flights were canceled and 650 were delayed between Miami International Airport and Fort Lauderdale International Airport on June 12.

June is typically the wettest month in Miami, with annual average rainfall of more than 10 inches said Alex DaSilva, AccuWeather’s lead hurricane forecaster.

This aerial view taken from video shows multiple cars stranded on a road in Northeast Miami-Dade County, Fla., on Thursday, June 13, 2024. A tropical disturbance brought a rare flash flood emergency to much of southern Florida the day before. Floridians prepared to weather more heavy rainfall on Thursday and Friday. (AP Photo/Daniel Kozin)

Although at presstime, some of the waters were receding, weather forecasters cautioned that the upcoming hurricane season is projected to be very active, which will bring more rain and flooding. “What is unusual is how much rain South Florida has seen in such a short period of time,” DaSilva said.

In other parts of the country, thunderstorms and heat were a concern. Nearly 135 million people are facing an upcoming dangerous heatwave in parts of the Northeast and Midwest with triple-digit temperatures on the horizon. “The increased demand for cooling is going to be a problem here.

This could have some impacts on the power grid,” AccuWeather Chief Video Meteorologist Bernie Rayno said, reported The website also reported that forecasters were concerned that the high pressure responsible for the heat could strengthen and expand, which would put more than 150 million at risk of a dangerous heat wave.

At presstime, in parts of the West and Heartland states, thunderstorms were forecast to bring a risk of hail and tornados.   

Worsening economic damages are also expected as a result of this punishing weather. 

It is all due to America’s ill-treatment of her once-slaves in her midst as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned of in his 1973 book, “The Fall of America.” 

“The Bible prophesies of the plagues that would come upon America—and these plagues are falling on America now, and yet she will not repent. For America continues to kill and deprive the Black once slave of righteousness and justice,” writes the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on page 149 in the chapter, “The Judgment of America.”

“Even though the Black slave wants to go from America, she wants to hold on to him and America does not want to let her Black once-slave go. America holds the Black once-slave for a prey,” he added.

Billion-dollar disasters

In 2024 (as of June 10), there have been 11 confirmed weather/climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion each to affect the United States, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

These events included nine severe storm events and two winter storm events, which overall, resulted in the deaths of 84 people and had significant economic effects on the areas impacted, the agencies reported in “U.S. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters (2024).”

In addition, four new billion-dollar weather and climate disasters were confirmed in May 2024, including two tornado events that impacted the Central, Southern and Eastern U.S. at the end of April and beginning of May, one severe weather event that impacted the Central and Eastern U.S. at the end of February and a derecho event that impacted portions of the South in mid-May. A derecho (Spanish for “right,” “direct,” or “straight ahead”) is a rare, long-lasting windstorm that can cause destruction similar to a tornado. 

So far, the 2024 billion-dollar disasters which consisted of nine severe storm events and two winter storms that resulted in 84 fatalities, and costs exceeding $25 billion, according to NOAA include:

•       At least one tornado was reported in 23 states from South Dakota to Florida, including a severe weather outbreak May 6-10 that caused significant damage and loss of life;

•       The deadliest tornado (EF-4 with winds from 166-200 mph) of the year-to-date on May 21 in Greenfield, Iowa, which caused five fatalities;

•       A derecho with winds of up to 100 mph on May 16 in Houston, Texas, causing significant damage and seven fatalities.

Further, the U.S. has sustained 387 weather and climate disasters since 1980 where overall damages/costs reached or exceeded $1 billion, including adjustments for the overall change in consumer (consumer price index or CPI) prices to 2024. “The total cost of these 387 events exceeds $2.740 trillion,” emphasized the scientific weather forecasting agency.

March to May 2024 was the sixth-warmest spring on record for the contiguous (sharing a common border) U.S., according to NOAA. However, the U.S. is now sweltering in a heat dome, with temperatures reaching the 100-degree mark over the Eastern and Central United States, according to weather experts.

“God’s Wrath is coming, it is increasing and the worst is yet to come,” warned Minister Farrakhan, in part 5 of his historic lecture series, “One Nation Under God” themed in part, “The War of Armageddon: How Strong is Our Foundation; Can We Survive?”

The Minister warned, “When the earthquakes start, tearing up the fine buildings, killing people by the thousands and tens of thousands. Drought in one place. Even the bees are dying. The bees that pollinate to give you fruit. Millions of bees have died, and scientists don’t know why they died. Ask Allah. He’ll tell you! Famine is coming to America. You can take it or let it alone.”

Rising costs of natural disasters

In 2023 alone, the U.S. faced numerous extreme weather events, each causing billions of dollars in damage. According to the NOAA and NCEI, the U.S. endured 22 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disaster events, including hurricanes Ian and Fiona, which collectively caused an estimated $180 billion in damages, and the Western wildfires, which inflicted around $20 billion in economic losses.

Extreme weather is cited as the most damaging to crop loss, because crops have a clock, and need the right conditions to germinate, grow, and then harvest, according to Dr. Ridgely Muhammad, an agriculturalist and manager of Muhammad Farms in Georgia.  

“Farmers are controlled by the weather. We have to look at the weather constantly. If you make one mistake, you can lose a crop. If the weather hits you at the wrong time, even though you did everything right, you still lose the crop,” he stated. Unlike constructing a building, farmers cannot return to crops once big storms pass, and find the building, he said. 

“With farming, if the weather hits at the wrong time, there’s no going back. That’s over for that season. See you next year!” stated Dr. Ridgely Muhammad.

In 2022, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that commodity and specialty crop producers impacted by natural disaster events in 2020 and 2021 would begin receiving emergency relief payments totaling approximately $6 billion through the Farm Service Agency’s new Emergency Relief Program to offset crop yield and value losses. 

The program covers losses to crops, trees, bushes, and vines due to qualifying natural disasters in 2020 and 2021, including wildfires, hurricanes, floods, derechos, excessive heat, winter storms, freeze (including a polar vortex), smoke exposure, excessive moisture, qualifying drought, and related conditions, according to the USDA.

“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned of a day of famine, and America’s fall, and Minister Farrakhan reminded us that the only way, according to scripture, the Bible says ‘Pharaoh: Let My people go,’” and that he was afflicted, and God took away his wealth, and so the people left,” said Dr. Ridgely Muhammad.

“So, even though we’ve been afflicted by the enemy, we don’t want to leave because the enemy is so rich and so powerful, and it feeds us, … $1.2 trillion being put into the SNAP program, so that we can go and buy junk, processed food,” he said. Thus, Allah is striking at the breadbasket, in California, for example, which produces the majority of fresh vegetables and dairy, Dr. Ridgely Muhammad explained.

“Allah is striking at different points. And we’re at war, and we’re in the middle of it. And so, we should be wise, like Moses and the Children of Israel … They finally left.”

Final Call staff and Associated Press contributed to this report.