From left, Student Western Region Student Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad, Student Minister Nuri Muhammad and Student Western Region F.O.I. Captain Halim Muhammad

by Na’il Muhammad

LOS ANGELES—Hundreds filled the sanctuary of Muhammad Mosque No. 27, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Student Minister Nuri Muhammad.

An atmosphere of love and excitement poured out in abundance as scores of believers, community members, friends, family, and first-time guests stepped into the mosque on March 17. The flier that generated so much excitement read, “One ’Hood Under God.”

“We’re so happy you came to your family reunion!” Student Western Region Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad declared to a smiling audience.


Bringing on the keynote speaker he stated, “I want to introduce a brother. I love him so deeply!” Further expressing his love, he added, “I’m in awe of this brother! This brother, he’s loved, not just in the United States but throughout the world!”

Following Student Min. Malik’s opening remarks, Student Min. Nuri of Muhammad Mosque No. 74 in Indianapolis, Indiana, took the stage. He invoked the Name of Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, and he thanked the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Student Min. Nuri shared that were it not for the Eternal Leader of the Nation of Islam, there would have been no Kwame Ture (Stokley Carmichael), Huey P. Newton, Imam Jamil al-Amin (H. Rap Brown), Black Panther Party, Malcolm X, Warith Deen Mohammed, Muhammad Ali or the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Audience listens to Student Minister Nuri Muhammad’s message, “One ’Hood Under God,” at Mosque No. 27 in Los Angeles on March 17.

He then delved into his subject matter.

“The only reason our people live in the slums, it’s because slum thoughts live in our peoples’ minds,” stated Bro. Nuri. At another point in his message, he lifted the words of Solomon from the Bible, stating, “As a man thinketh so is he.”

“If you look in the ’hood and it’s dirty and disorganized, it’s because we are thinking dirty and disorganized thoughts. If you look in the ’hood and it’s broken and raggedy, it’s because our mind is broken and raggedy,” Bro. Nuri explained.

During his message, Bro. Nuri expanded on the idea of ’hood. He explained the term is shorthand for neighborhood and he shared the origins of neighborhoods. He pointed out there is a difference between people living together taking up space and a proper neighborhood. There is a recipe for producing a neighborhood, Bro. Nuri shared.

He spoke about ancient rites of passage ceremonies in which there were qualifying acts required of males and females to be welcomed into manhood and womanhood. “When you mix brotherhood, sisterhood, manhood, womanhood, motherhood, (and) fatherhood together, it produces neighborhood. Those are the ingredients!” he shared.

Bro. Nuri, who is also the author of several books, shared with the audience that to transform “the projects into paradise, the ghetto into God’s Kingdom and turn the ’hood into heaven,” we can go beyond mere manhood, womanhood, fatherhood, and motherhood and get into “Godhood.” “You came into the Nation of Islam to become the God you believe in!” he said.

The audience enjoyed the message and gave Bro. Nuri a standing ovation.

After finishing his message, the audience stood to their feet and applauded. Afterward, Bro. Nuri signed copies of his books for guests and believers. There were many happy and smiling faces as they got their opportunity to meet, greet, and take pictures with the popular student minister.

“We need to learn how to be a community and unify and be one or else we’re going to fall short. We’re going to be the reason why we keep going forward. It’s about how we treat ourselves and treat each other,” said Bro. Tariq, 18, reflecting on Bro. Nuri’s message. “Thank you, Bro. Nuri, you’re setting up a really great example for us as young people.”

Rod Hill, a father and first-time guest said, “The message was beautiful; getting a true understanding of the word, the mind, and how neighborhood/community manifests itself into a state community.”

When asked if he had any words for Bro. Nuri, Bro. Rod said, “Keep feeding us, keep providing us and teaching us. I’m trying to provide teachings to my little ones. It’s going to help my community and the community I’m building with my children.”