ATLANTA—Brother Abdul Rauf Muhammad, the Nation of Islam’s Student National Protocol Director, and his wife, Sister Ra’afah Muhammad, were recipients of southern hospitality when they visited Muhammad Mosque No. 15 in Atlanta during a recent Sunday mosque meeting.
Brother Rauf Muhammad shared words of gratitude to the laborers and believers of Atlanta for their service and for having over 200 first-time guests attend the mosque meetings in August. He also expressed love for his wife, advised the brothers on how to treat their wives and acknowledged his son, Wazir Muhammad, a hardworking F.O.I. (Fruit of Islam) in Atlanta.
At the end of the service, the student laborers of Muhammad Mosque No. 15—Southern Regional Student Minister Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad, Southern Regional M.G.T. and G.C.C. (Muslim Girls’ Training and General Civilization Class) Student Captain Sister Nusaybah Muhammad and Southern Regional Student Protocol Director Sister Saabirah Muhammad—presented Brother Rauf and Sister Ra’afah with a gift.