CHICAGO—Excitement quickly spread on social media among members of the Nation of Islam as video was shown of the impressive and grand Star and Crescent being hoisted aloft the dome of Mosque Maryam at The National Center. On November 19, the Star and Crescent, which represents Justice and Equality on the flag of Islam, was carefully and meticulously remounted on the mosque at NOI headquarters by a huge crane.
Final Call General Manager and NOI Student Minister Abdul Rasul Muhammad kept onlookers abreast of progress via Facebook Live for several hours of the important process. The Star and Crescent was first mounted in 1988 when the mosque was reacquired by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the NOI. The mosque, which was previously a Greek Orthodox Church, was originally purchased by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
It is constructed of 23 karat gold, a 21st Century motor, LED lighting and it turns 360 degrees 24 hours per day, seven days per week as a beacon of light and hope for our poor and suffering people, noted Brother Abdul Rasul Muhammad. Min. Farrakhan and several Muslims stopped by throughout the day to watch the workers and take photos of the historic day. All Praise is Due to Allah (God)!