and Richard B. Muhammad -Final Call Editors-

Min. Farrakhan speaks at Fox Theatre in Atlanta makring 21st anniversary of the Million Man March. Thousands packed the auditorium and overflow rooms. Photo: Hannibal Muhammad

Farrakhan calls on Black America to declare, assert independence at a dangerous and a very critical time

ATLANTA–The crowd packed into the Fox Theatre auditorium and overflow rooms as well as audience watching   webcasts in the Nation of Islam mosques around the country and an online audience heard a simple but vital message from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: Come out of America. Separate and be saved.

“We have to deal with fear and cowardice, because we are being asked now by God to stand up for truth, stand up for justice, stand up for righteousness, and be willing to challenge lies and liars wherever they raise their head,” said the Minister. He was in Atlanta to mark the 21st anniversary of the Million Man March and to bring attention to an inspiring work underway in Atlanta aimed at recruiting 10,000 Fearless to make Black communities decent places to live.


Under the direction of Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad, the Southern regional student minister for the Nation of Islam, the 10,000 Fearless headquarters located in The Bluff, one of Atlanta’s most troubled neighborhoods, community rebuilding is underway. Clean up and restoration, food and clothing giveaways, medical screening, conflict resolution and community organizing and advocacy for veterans and other suffering groups has started.

Making Black neighborhoods decent places to live and control of Black neighborhoods is a stepping stone to a full and complete independence that God wants to and will give Black people, the Minister boldly declared. (See edited transcript.)

God has chosen Black people out of the furnace of affliction today as he chose oppressed people in the scriptures of yesterday and nothing is going to prevent God from exercising his will, Min. Farrakhan said.

With police shootings, violence, health and disease issues, a deadly lifestyle inherited from our former slave masters, inferior education, recalcitrant White anger and unresponsive and dying political system, Blacks are on the brink of extinction, warned Min. Farrakhan.

(CCW from Left) Muslim women at Fox Theatre during Oct. 16 address. Photo: Haroon Rajaee | Min. Farrakhan thanks Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad, left, and Tony Muhammad for their work. Photo: Andre 3X | Child applauds with adult as Min. Farrakhan delivers inspiring words. Photo: Hannibal Muhammad | Audience members enjoy humorous moment. Photo: Hannibal Muhammad

Neither GOP presidential hopeful Donald J. Trump, nor Democrat Hillary Clinton will liberate Blacks or solve the country’s problems, which are tied to divine chastisement, he said. Hope in the political system and an unrealistic faith in Whites who are already hurting will not save Blacks, the Minister stressed.

Children inside Fox Theatre listen to Min Farrkhans message over a computer with headphones. Photo: Lens of Ansar

“We thank Allah for His intervention in the person of one that has been prophesied of, Al-Mahdi (‘The Guide’), coming out of the family of Muhammad the Prophet, peace be upon him.   But my wonderful brothers and sisters who are looking for Al-Mahdi to come in the East: He came from the East, and He came among us in the West in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to Whom praise is due forever,” said Min. Farrakhan.  

“Master Fard Muhammad searched among us, and he found one worthy to place a burden on him that had never been placed on a human before him, and He gave him, according to Master Fard Muhammad, ‘the hardest job ever given to any human being’–and that job is the resurrection of the dead so-called American Negro who has been put to death, and has lived in America for 461 years, robbed and spoiled. But today, the spirit of God is coming into the Black man and woman, and we are rising, never again to fall asleep in the dust.”

The man chosen for that job is the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, patriarch of the Nation of Islam.

“We in the church pray for every time we say The Lord’s Prayer, saying: ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it in heaven. No politics can bring about the kingdom of heaven on earth,” the Minister said.

This is one of the most fateful elections in U.S. history but the candidates deride one another as liars, Min. Farrakhan noted. Meanwhile Black voters are in the middle hoping for a political savior that is not coming, he said.

Blacks live in a colonial status with their politics, economics, education and lives controlled by White outsiders with Black overseers–some pastors, business and political leaders–who serve at the pleasure of their virtual masters and fail to serve their own people, Min. Farrakhan observed.

(L-R) Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad, Student Min. Sharrieff Muhammad, Rev. Derrick Rice, Del Bigtree, Marcella Piper-Terry, Michelle Ford and Lucy Cole Photos: Haroon Rajae

Those days must end and both presidential candidates will take the country into a horrendous war, despite a possible lull before the storm, said the Minister, quoting his teacher Elijah Muhammad’s warning against faith in the children of the former slave masters and national elections.“Putin of Russia said if you vote for Hillary, the answer is ‘war.’ But the truth is it doesn’t matter:   If you vote for Hillary or vote for Trump, war is coming; but there could be a lull before the storm, and every day that you can get, you should try to get it,” he said, referring to passages from “Message to the Black Man” written by his teacher in the 1970s.

Both Thomas Jefferson, a founding father of America, and Abraham Lincoln, an American president, put forward the idea of giving Blacks land to form a nation of their own, said Min. Farrakhan. But Negros, in particular pastors, rejected the idea and decided to cling to their ex-slave masters.

Student Minister Tony Muhammad of Los Angeles holds up a copy of the fi lm “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.” Photo: Lens of Ansar

“So there is something that we have to prove: That we can govern ourselves. Look at what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad writes in Message To The Blackman on page 226 in ‘Do We Have The Qualified Men And Women For Self-Government?’ ‘We have enough technicians, such as mathematicians, construction engineers, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, physicists, chemists, educators, agriculturists, navigators and aeronauts, among the [now 50 million] of us. You will find scholars or scientists whom we can use in every branch of government; then there are our own independent people outside of this coun ­try who would be glad to help us get going in a country or state for ourselves. We do not expect to build, nor do we de ­sire to build a government patterned after the order of the White race.”

“We have to start somewhere, so if they are not going to give us some states that we can call our own we have to take control of where we live,” said Min. Farrakhan. “There is no future for us in trying to make the American dream–which is an illusion–work for us.”  

With dignitaries, celebrities and activists seated on stage with him, Min. Farrakhan also focused a highly insightful spiritual message explaining how all of humanity has succumbed to the power of the liar that is Satan and that Satan has produced little devils in everybody. In essence, there is an external liar as well as an internal one, he said.

The external liar manifests itself in the embodiment of White Supremacy and a teaching the enemy fashioned under the symbol of the cross that was used to subjugate people of color throughout the earth, he said.

Explaining that neither Jesus nor his disciples ever called themselves Christians, the Minister said they were described as such by Roman Emperor Constantine after Jesus’s death and Constantine devised the symbol of the cross to conquer people of color everywhere.

“They never represented the love of Jesus Christ to the darker people of the earth. Those who carried the cross who claimed to be disciples of Christ were actually devils in disguise. They cut us off from the source of our life,” he said.

The Minister pointed out another liar, however, one that is as difficult to conquer and as close as a person’s jugular vein. The problem with people and those of religion is they never want to confront the devil of themselves, he said.

When you say “the devil made me do it, what devil?” the Minister asked. “Is it the devil of yourself talking to you?

“We were made other than ourselves by one who is himself,” Min. Farrakhan said, explaining that Black people were reared by their former slave master. “All of us, whether you admit it or not, are little devils. When we raise up to become other than the way the enemy made us, that is called resurrection,” he said.

As the Muslim world looks for the appearance of Al-Mahdi and the Christian world looks for the return of Christ, the Minister said such person had been among Black people in America who have been chosen by God as His people.

People of good will are being asked by Allah (God) today to stand up for truth and righteousness and be willing to challenge lies and liars. However, the enemy is wise and will attempt to direct the activities of the people to serve his purpose, Min. Farrakhan said.

Citing the release of the film “The Birth of A Nation” that depicts the slave rebellion led by Nat Turner, Min. Farrakhan said wealthy Whites who backed it financially had different motives from the film’s producer and lead actor Nate Parker.

The enemy wants to stir up Black people to act foolishly against them so they can come against the community, he said. Similarly, the Black Lives Matter movement started in earnest but in-fighting started once billionaire George Soros backed it financially, he said.

The Minister condemned rogue cops who kill innocent Black men and the police unions that back them, as well as crooked prosecutors who lie to grand juries to railroad Blacks into prison. But he also pointed out it was the African-American Police League that protected him during the early rebuilding stages of the Nation of Islam when no one else was around.

He thanked Police Chief George Turner who provided additional security during his visit and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed for welcoming the Nation of Islam to the city.

Min. Farrakhan expressed great gratitude to Student Minister Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad and the staff that organized and hosted the weekend activities. He was especially appreciative of the Muslims’ selfless efforts to set up a beachhead in an area called “The Bluff,” one of the most impoverished areas of the city and the country, that now is the headquarters of the Atlanta 10,000 Fearless Local Organizing Committee.

The courageous Muslim leader thanked Student Minister Tony Muhammad, the Los Angeles representative of the Nation of Islam who has led a campaign to expose the alleged activities of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Those activities were laid bare by a CDC scientist whistleblower who charges the CDC has participated in a cover-up of evidence that showed the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine causes autism in children, but at a much higher rate among Black boy babies.

Joining Tony Muhammad at the event were scientists and anti-vaccine advocates who also have been engaged in activities to expose the cover-up. (See related articles pages 4, 5.)

“We are going to take our government to task,” the Minister said. “We are going to have hearings in every major city. We are going to force America under the threat of we will never fight in another war.

“When you start going up against the pharmaceutical companies, these boys don’t play. But they cannot win if the people rise and say ‘enough is enough.’ We have to save our children even at the cost of our lives, if necessary,” he said.