“Call to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in the best manner. Surely thy Lord knows best him who strays from His path, and He knows best those who go aright.” –Holy Qur’an 16:125 Maulana Muhammad Ali with English Translation.


From 66 trillion years to the beginning of this world, the public has not had the actual or full knowledge of God, the Supreme Being. The veil, or the partition, or that generally, which separates man from God, and which has kept God veiled from man has only recently been removed.


In the Bible, the King James Version in the book of Revelation 10:7 we read:   “… in the last days, or in the days of the voice of the 7th angel, the mystery of God should be finished …   .”

Mystery means: “something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.” Now, God Himself has removed this veil by revealing Himself to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, when he first met Him!

But this knowledge or unveiling–clearing up–did not come except through the most excruciatingly painful period of the Black man since life has been. That was slavery.

It took trillions of years to reach that point. That involves a little over 6,000 years ago, to produce that man Yakub (scientist) whose mission was to give dissatisfaction and a physical form and dominion over man. You can read about Yakub in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s books from The Final Call.

There is great turbulence, confusion; a general madness throughout the earth. Many despair that there is no way out of this.

Some years ago, I heard a very intelligent White doctor, who specializes in the study of viruses, speak of how we get the common cold. She traced its work and how it duplicates itself in our cells. At a certain point, she observed, the body begins to fight back. That is when, she continued, we begin to feel sick.

The congestion, the fever, the headache, the bodily aches and pains, are all symptoms that are contrary to what the person who has the cold often thinks. These are actually indicators or signs that the body is in the process of defeating the viruses. We don’t feel the virus when it first begins its work. It spreads, and then the body begins to fight back. That’s when we know we have a cold, according to this doctor.

As I listened to her, on a radio, I was reminded of such saying as, “The darkest hour is before dawn” and of certain insights of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in his self-improvement study guides.

So it is with the tremendous up-stir in the forces of nature and in the nations of the earth as well as in individuals. The war that is going on in each of us is between God and his enemy. The battle is not only throughout the earth but it is in the hearts and minds of the people who make up the population of the planet earth.


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in an article (I was unable to locate), wrote that the wisdom which Master Fard Muhammad promised him when They meet again would enable him to actually exercise the power of God and make him the means through, or by which, that which is new would come into being.

He wrote that article in the early 1970’s. I, and others saw it. What he was promised has come to pass; for he departed in 1975 to be with his Teacher. He now sits in the most honored position, or status, in which God could possibly place a human being.

We call him “Honorable.” That he was. That he is. Some referred to him as “the Most Honorable” Elijah Muhammad. Yes and no. No one is to, or can be, honored above the Supreme Being. On the other hand, no one can honor another more than The Supreme Being can. He whom God honors above others is the most honored.

In the status, or position that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad occupies, in which God has made him to be next to Himself (in terms of his mind, heart, and powers); he is The Most Honored Elijah Muhammad.

What greater honor could God, The Supreme Being possibly confer on another, that honors him more, than to share His life, and powers, and glory with that other? What greater honor could the Lord of the Worlds confer or grant, to another that is superior to the work of the recreation of man and the universe, through that other–to whatever degree this occurs?

This is what Master Fard Muhammad has done to and for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. As was mentioned earlier, shortly after they first met, in 1931, He gave to His servant a book in Arabic that he could not read. I do not know whether or not that book was the book that he later promised the Honorable Elijah Muhammad He would one day give to him. I do know, from the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that his Teacher had written a book for the guidance of a world that existed only in His head.

Read what was foreseen, in a vision, and that is mentioned in the fifth chapter of the Book of Revelation, in the Bible. He Who is Supreme Being gives this little book to a man who is symbolized as a slain lamb. I am convinced that this vision has been fulfilled in the meeting of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad when he “left” the USA.

This is why I titled this book the way that I did. And the reason that I placed the image of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan over his heart is to say to whoever reads this book, that my Brother speaks the heart of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to us all; and that he is accomplishing what is in the heart of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. All of this is so, because he is from the heart of his teacher–the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is working night and day to prepare enough of us, to constitute the path for the “return.” Who is to return? Who is this “son” who will return? The answer: the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan with the new teachings, in English.

Some may say, what about the Honorable Elijah Muhammad? What about Master Fard Muhammad? This is an article and not a book. Besides, how many of us are ready to meet the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in person?  

Furthermore, how many of us are ready to stand in the visible presence of Master Fard Muhammad? We should be exceedingly grateful that They have qualified Minister Farrakhan, who is closer to our condition, to stand for Them.

Some may argue with this. I am not arguing but I am stating my conviction about my Brother, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.


Study this photograph. Why did I make it? Why did I write this article? Why this one, now?

More next issue, Allah willing.