I’m starting this article with these words: “What thing is weightiest in testimony?” What book can you find these words?

Now, these words from Closing The Gap, starting on the bottom of page 433.

“I thank Allah for these days, months, and years of questions that have brought out of me that which I did not even know was in me. And sometimes in reading back some of the answers that I have given to the questions, is demonstrative to me, that it is not I who is speaking, but it is He who is using me as His mouthpiece to our people and to the world, so that when the people read such questions, and such answers, that illuminate the questioner and the person being questioned.


“They can see without a doubt, if their hearts and minds are open, that God has intervened in our affairs. That God has raised the Messiah from among a people who are no people at all. And this Messiah has taught and trained a student that God has made for him that when you read the answers of a student then that illuminates the teacher.

“Who could read such answers and not know that God has visited us? Who could read such answers and not know that a strange thing has happened among this most beautiful but destroyed people? Who could read such answers and not know that a light has been placed among a people that walked in darkness? Even a light that would be a light to the Gentiles if they would respond properly to that light, they too could join in the good news that, that light brings.

“I thank Allah for putting it in your heart and your mind to question me in a manner that I’ve never been questioned by anyone. The reporters don’t question me on the nature of God, the nature of His revealed word and the things that you have questioned me on, that illuminates my own nature, mind and spirit. “They are not interested in nothing like that.

“Many of my ministers are not deep enough in their study of the word to question me in such manner or if they are, they have not availed themselves of the opportunity to do such. But because you have been by my side from the first day of my awakening from the sleep and saw the scales removed from my eyes that I could see more clearly the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Master Fard Muhammad–that I may stand up again and begin this marvelous work of strengthening my Brothers and Sisters in faith and continuing His warning to the government and people of America.

These questions have been wonderful for me and I have to tell you, I look forward to reading the book myself to see what God has given through me to others. I can’t wait to see such book and I thank you from the depth of my heart for putting my answers in book form that the people who I love so much and fear for their safety in this dark hour may read such words and hopefully be guided in a time of my absence to come through the dark hour of trial and tribulation without breaking their faith in Master Fard Muhammad to Whom praises are due forever and His Servant, the Messiah the Christ, the Jesus that all of our people have longed for; hoped for; sang about; rejoiced over; that he’s one from among them that the historical Jesus was a sign of, that is now being fulfilled in their midst.

“If our preachers would see and know that Jesus is the right man, Jesus is the right name. It’s just looking backward in time to an ancient Roman Empire while they are living in a modern Rome, where these new Sanhedrin exercise control over the Romans–the modern Romans– and now have led this nation to its ruin and now seek my death as a representative of the Jesus that we all have loved after learning of him through the Gospels. Who wouldn’t love a man like that? Who wouldn’t praise a man like that? And to be restored just by his name and just by reading accounts of him from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and the Acts of the Apostles and the Apostles. How much more would we grow if we knew the flesh, blood, spirit, mind, and were baptized in the word of this Jesus?

“I close this with this: to my beloved Christian family whom I love and am willing to give my life for as well as my Muslim family, that I love and am willing to give my life to see the word of God established and fear removed.

“Jesus is worthy of praise. And Jesus should be praised much. That is what the name Muhammad means: one worthy of praise; one praised much.

“If the Muslim world could see that the Muhammad of the Qur’an of fourteen hundred years ago was a sign of the Muhammad that would come at the end of the world, and if the Christians could see that the Jesus that they look back to and forward to his coming again is not the man of two thousand years ago, that came up among a people that were no people in Nazareth, is a man coming up out of a people that is no people to fulfill the scriptures. Can any good come out of the ghettos of America?

‘Out of Egypt; out of bondage; out of a state of suffering have I called my son.’

“If we could grow beyond our emotional attachment to the past to see the present in its fullness, then we would know that Jesus is Muhammad and Muhammad is Jesus.

They are one and the same. Then the Qur’an would have greater meaning for it is written that the Jesus would speak unto them all that I shall command him. “And if you read the four gospels you don’t read what God commanded Jesus to say, but in the Qur’an it is repeated over and over again, Muhammad say and when they do, you say. This is the answer to the unification of the family of Abraham.

“May Allah bless this book to open the hearts and minds of its readers. May Allah cause this book to make clear to the world that the Muhammad that you love is alive and well today. And the Jesus that you adore is alive and well today. And this kingdom of Muhammad; the kingdom of Jesus the Christ is not only at hand; but after this war, it will be established on this earth. And these Black people of America who are the despised and the rejected, God has called to be the cornerstone of this New World Kingdom.

I thank you, Brother Jabril, for your questions. I thank Allah and His Christ, the Messiah, for the answers. And I pray that it will be a blessing to all those who read and study that which is contained in this book.”

Have you read these words from Minister Farrakhan?

More next issue, Allah willing.