(FinalCall.com) – While pop star Michael Jackson awaits his court date on charges of child molestation, he continues to be tried in the media and court of public opinion. Adding insults to the injury of the allegations are the secret videotape recorded by XtraJet aircraft company and the microphones found inside the police headquarters the day Mr. Jackson was arrested.

Judge David Yaffe of the Los Angeles County Superior Court granted Mr. Jackson a court order against XtraJet, which was attempting to sell to the highest media bidder an unauthorized videotape of Mr. Jackson conversing with his attorney.

The videotape was made on November 20 while they flew from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara for the singer’s processing on criminal charges. The judge’s ruling prohibits XtraJet from releasing the tape until a hearing next month wherein a permanent prohibition will be sought.


“The videotaping of my client conferring with me was illegal and outrageous, as was the aircraft company’s attempt to sell that tape for profit,” said Mark Geragos, Mr. Jackson’s attorney. “This entire case is about cash, and anyone who believes differently is living in their own Neverland.

“We will be absolutely relentless in our pursuit of any and all extortionists regardless of how they try to gift wrap their lies in the cloak of justice,” he continued. “Michael is not going to be a pi—ata for every money-hungry publicity seeker to strike in the hopes of hitting it rich.”

From the beginning of the media frenzy, Mr. Jackson and family members have said that this case was all about money. Jermaine Jackson, older brother of Michael, told Barbara Walters on a Nov. 21 airing of the “20/20” television program that his brother was innocent of the sexual molestation allegations in 1993 and he is innocent today.

The previous allegations were settled out of court for a large sum of money because the family did not want to fight due to business and family obligations. “This is extortion–the second time around,” he told Ms. Walters. He went on to say that this time around, the family would do everything necessary to fight the charges and clear Michael’s name.

“We’re ready for war,” he said. “We’re going to get together with our generals, our troops, and our people and we’re going to mobilize and fight.”

Jermaine Jackson says the child molestation charges his brother Michael faces are part of a racially motivated vendetta and an “extortion” plot, and pledged the entire Jackson family would rally around the beleaguered King of Pop.

After the news hit about the secret videotape, the Santa Barbara Police announced that wireless microphones were discovered around their headquarters.

A spokesman for the department said, “We suspect this is an attempt by somebody in the media to get information that otherwise would not be available. Those who planted these devices will be traced and prosecuted.”

The officers explained to reporters that they are convinced the press planted the listening devices to gain inside information on the case brought against Mr. Jackson.

“Anyone watching this case can see that new lows are being hit every day. Motivated parties are taking obscene measures to injure Michael with false allegations. We will aggressively challenge the rogue’s gallery of grifters who are seeking dividends from Michael’s ordeal.

“There is a very real, human price being exacted here and Michael will do what it takes to safeguard his family and his name,” said Mr. Geragos.

Mr. Jackson launched a website (www.mjnews.us) to counter the lies, rumors, gossip and stories, from people claiming to know him, that appear daily in the press.

“You are right to be skeptical of some of the individuals who are being identified in the mass media as my friends, spokespeople and attorneys. With few exceptions, most of them are simply filling a desperate void in our culture that equates visibility with insight,” wrote Mr. Jackson on his site. “We will not engage in speculation. We will not provide running commentary on every new development or allegation du jour. We intend to try our case in the courtroom, not in the public or the media.”