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Thousands of refugees in Indonesia have spent years awaiting resettlement and their future is unclear

TANJUNGPINANG, Indonesia—Morwan Mohammad walks down an old hotel corridor on Batam Island in northwestern Indonesia before entering a 64-square-foot room that has been home to him and his growing family for the past eight years. Mohammad, who fled war in Sudan, is one of hundreds of refugees living in community housing on the island while waiting for resettlement in a...

Death toll at Hajj pilgrimage rises to 1,300 amid scorching temperatures

CAIRO—More than 1,300 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced extremely high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, Saudi authorities announced June 23. Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel said that 83 percent of the 1,301 fatalities were unauthorized pilgrims who walked long distances in soaring temperatures to perform the Hajj...

Do not import what can be produced in Cuba

The 5th International Convention and Exposition of Cuban Industry (Cubaindustria 2024) will promote the strengthening of technological partnerships between domestic and foreign industries, the promotion of exportable items and the consolidation of national productions. To that end, it will promote effective productive linkages among all the economic actors that make up the Cuban industrial network, to meet the needs of...

Africa is an indissoluble part of Cuban identity With the presence of the Cuban President, the central ceremony for Africa Day took place

A special commitment unites Cuba with Africa because through the blood of its children runs the blood of those human beings who were torn away from their lands and who made up one of the most shameful episodes of civilization: the slave trade. With that certainty, the central act for the Day of the Mother Continent was held on June...

BRICS must prevent new ‘Cold War’—China

The expanded group should create a ‘just’ multilateral global governance system, Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said  The BRICS countries should work together to promote peace and prevent the onset of a new Cold War, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said.   Speaking at the BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod on June 10, Wang stated...

New UNICEF report reveals severe child food poverty amid world crises

The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) released a new report that highlights alarming levels of child food poverty due to inequity, conflict, and climate crises.  The report warned that millions of children under five have difficulty accessing nutritious and diverse diets necessary for developmental growth and that food prices and living costs have hit record-high levels as countries continue to recover from the...

Guatemala lawyer who defended rural and Indigenous people killed in attack

GUATEMALA CITY—A Guatemalan lawyer who worked closely with organizations representing farmworkers and Indigenous groups was killed in an apparent ambush, human rights organizations said June 6. José Domingo was with two members of the United Farmworkers Committee when they were shot by a group of men on June 5 South of the capital, said Daniel Pascual, a leader of that...

Campaigning begins for Iran’s presidentiall election

Campaigning has officially started for Iran’s upcoming election, with six candidates vying to replace the late President Ebrahim Raisi. The period began on June 9 after the Interior Ministry announced a list of six hopefuls whose qualifications were approved by the Constitutional Council. The campaign, which includes five live, televised debates on the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), will continue...

‘De-dollarization’ of Global South puts dominance of U.S. currency in jeopardy

Recently, the Russian news agency TASS reported that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said BRICS is developing a payments platform that will allow them to bypass the U.S. dollar. BRICS countries include principal members of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The number of countries interested in working jointly with BRICS has increased to almost 30, Lavrov said at a...

South Africa’s election results spark concerns about coalition government outcome

The era of South Africa’s stand-alone African National Congress (ANC) hegemony may be over. And former president Jacob Zuma and his new party are making veiled threats if he’s not welcomed into what may be a future coalition government. South Africa’s recent election is seemingly ushering in a new political era. The MK, or Umkhonto we Sizwe Party, the name...