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Security Council may reach agreement on Iraq resolution

UNITED NATIONS ( –The United States and France are close to a compromise draft resolution that would set new guidelines for United Nations inspectors investigating Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, and how force could be authorized in the event of Baghdad’s resistance, Security Council delegates said as the council concluded a two-day open debate on Iraq. Speaking in New York...

Namibia eyes White farms for land redistribution

GINNEWS WINDHOEK (GIN)–frustrated over the slow pace of land transfers from Whites to landless Blacks, a Namibian government minister warned that the country may move to expropriate White-owned farms if White farmers continue to resist land reform. “There is a (provision) in our constitution that private assets can be expropriated in the public interest. Fair and just compensation must be provided...

Mugabe: Zimbabwe will not be a colony again

MDC says it has a better wayZimbabwe hits rough ground as it seeks to reform ills of past land policyAre White Farmers reaping what they have sown? HARARE–Black America, particularly the Congressional Black Caucus, can help spare this African country the spears and arrows arrayed against it by England and the United States by championing its cause, President Robert Mugabe...

MDC says it has a better way

HARARE (–The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) is the opposition to the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) Party here, but it’s not opposition for opposition sake, according to one of its leaders, Renson Gasela, the shadow minister of Land and Agriculture. But it would be hard to tell that by the headlines in the decidedly...

Are White Farmers reaping what they have sown?

HARARE–David Hasluck asks a question that has been asked for nearly a century in this southern African country.  Only this time, the question comes from the other side of the table. “Where’s the justice in this?” he ponders, speaking to Black reporters from America on the spacious property that houses the Commercial Farmers Union building on the outskirts of...

Are White Farmers reaping what they have sown?

HARARE–David Hasluck asks a question that has been asked for nearly a century in this southern African country.  Only this time, the question comes from the other side of the table. “Where’s the justice in this?” he ponders, speaking to Black reporters from America on the spacious property that houses the Commercial Farmers Union building on the outskirts of...

Diplomats warn that U.S. strike at Iraq would undermine UN

UNITED NATIONS (IPS)–The credibility of the United Nations is being seriously undermined by a U.S. decision that may eventually lead to a unilateral military attack on Iraq, UN diplomats, U.S. academics and Middle East experts warn. "This is a crucial test for the survival of the world body,’’ laments a long-time Asian diplomat. "The American determination to...

Special Report on Zimbabwe land crisis

Press delegation's visit to Zimbabwe fulfills a promise Visit to war memorial a blessed moment HARARE (–On a long stretch of rural road that cuts through vast open countryside outside the capital city, Menard Muzariri and Alan Graham live just miles from each other but are otherwise worlds apart. Mr. Muzariri, 48, a Black farmer who acquired his land last December,...

South Africa wants proof of Africa-Iraq nuclear connection

***image1***JOHANNESBURG (IPS)–The government of President Thabo Mbeki has raised strong objections to a British intelligence dossier that suggests that an African country may have discussed selling uranium to Iraq for use in its efforts to develop nuclear weapons. British Prime Minister Tony Blair recently released an intelligence dossier on Iraq’s alleged attempts to develop nuclear weapons. The report says: “There is...

Secretary General of League of Arab States charges: ‘Israel has become above the law’

CHICAGO (–The Secretary General of the League of Arab States told an audience of about 500 people here that the United States must become an "honest broker" in Middle East conflicts, particularly the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the current dispute over allowing UN weapons inspectors into Iraq. "When we talk about freedom, we cannot forget about our brothers...