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Cellular phone explosion link modern technology and traditional African culture

JOHANNESBURG (IPS)–The sudden growth of cell phones has outpaced any other new technology in Africa. But a unique cell phone culture has evolved that combines necessity with traditional community values. "Most cell phone owners in West Africa, for example, tend to serve as points of presence or communication nodes for their community. Other people pay them or simply borrow...

Corporate plunder in the name of patriotism

WASHINGTON (IPS)–Major U.S. corporations are profiting far too much from the wave of patriotism that has swept the country since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, say civic, environmental and labor groups. They are pressing Congress to delay action on a mounting pile of legislation which, if approved, would add to the windfall big business and the wealthy have...

White right-wingers blamed for bombings

We Will Bring Them to Justice, Says CabinetRightwing threatens Xmas terror campaign (IRIN) JOHANNESBURG (IPS)–Despite some unease, South Africans remained undisturbed by nine bomb blasts, blamed on right wingers, that damaged rail links between Soweto–South Africa’s largest township–and Johannesburg, its economic capital, on Oct. 30. The bombs exploded between midnight and 4 a.m. local time, leading to speculation that they...

UK official: Pay Zimbabwe for land reform

GINNEWS HARARE (GIN)–The British official who chaired Zimbabwe’s independence process has called on the UK government to meet its promises in helping pay for land resettlement and agricultural reform that has been at the center of controversy in this southern African country. Lord Peter Carrington says money set aside at the time of the Lancaster House negotiations at independence should be...

Warring parties to share power in Congo

JOHANNESBURG (IPS)–On paper, the chances of an end to the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have never been so good. The warring parties in the conflict, in which more than two million civilians are estimated to have died, mainly due to starvation and disease, were scheduled to soon sign an "in principle" peace-deal, in South...

New immigration laws worry experts

PARIS (IPS)–Setting out new rights for minorities is a dance of half a step forward and two steps back, say human rights activists. The half-step forward comes with the announcement by Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy that he is ready to partially revoke the so-called double sanction against immigrants convicted of a crime. This double sanction means...

Zambia continues to reject genetically modified maize

LUSAKA, Zambia (PANA)–Zambia’s Agriculture Minister Mundia Sikatana recently reiterated his government’s rejection of genetically modified (GM) maize due to the existing scientific uncertainty surrounding such foods. Mr. Sikatana told journalists here that the government had agreed with a recommendation by local scientists who recently returned from a study mission abroad that GM maize should not be accepted. For the...

Muslims avoid hearsay in Indonesia bombings

JAKARTA (IPS)–Salim Umar, a Muslim preacher in Bandung, says the Bali bombings are "not a religious matter at all," so he did not discuss them at the mosque at Friday prayers. Rather than have the "politically-colored" Bali bombing take center stage, he says the discussions in many mosques focused on preparations for the holy month of Ramadan, the...

Journalists see Zimbabwe’s land crisis up close

Doctors: Will of Zimbabweans can conquer AIDS, food problemsMugabe: Zimbabwe will not be a colony againAre White Farmers reaping what they have sown?MDC says it has a better wayVisit to war memorial a blessed moment HARARE (–When Lorenzo Martin, publisher of the Chicago Standard newspaper, arrived at the international airport here, he expected to see soldiers all over the...

Doctors: Will of Zimbabweans can conquer AIDS, food problems

Mugabe: Zimbabwe will not be a colony againAre White Farmers reaping what they have sown?MDC says it has a better wayVisit to war memorial a blessed moment HARARE (–The people of this nation of 12 million have the spirit and tenacity to survive the current food and AIDS crisis, they just need a little sincere help from the international...