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Will U.S. Unilateralism turn World against it?

When America Attacks Iraq (Ghanaian Chronicle)Bush’s unilateralism aggravates world’s problems (National Catholic Reporter) UNITED NATIONS (IPS)–Nelson Mandela, the former South African president and one of the world’s most respected political figures, thinks the United Nations is being undermined by the United States. He is not alone. Recently, Mr. Mandela said he was disappointed that not a single world leader had...

U.S. war plans a concern for Cairo

CAIRO (IPS)–While senior government officials in Cairo are urging the U.S. Administration to act with caution, some of Egypt’s eminent political analysts are blasting what they perceive as Washington’s bias towards Israel and saber-rattling at Iraq. "Egypt is making every effort to persuade the U.S. not to take unilateral decisions which could raise tension and endanger everybody’s...

Taboo cracks on HIV/AIDS in Libya

TRIPOLI, Libya (PANA)–When he came home after a long day’s work, Mokhtar was embarrassed when confronted with two unexpected questions from his nine-year-old daughter Zeina, a fourth grade pupil. "Tell me Daddy, what is AIDS? What does illicit sexual relations mean?" Mokhtar, who had so far managed to avoid discussing certain aspects of adult life with children, was speechless for...

UN protests Israeli killings of humanitarian workers

UNITED NATIONS (IPS)–The United Nations has protested the killings of five UN humanitarian workers by Israeli military forces this year. A UN spokesman said this would be the second-largest number of UN staff members killed in a single year in the Middle East. "This loss of civilian lives, of people working for a humanitarian UN agency is completely unacceptable,"...

Bombing creates friction in U.S.-Kenyan relations

NAIROBI (IPS)–Kenyans are calling for their government to rethink its close military relationship with the United States, following last month’s terrorist attacks on Israeli interests on the Indian Ocean coast. "Kenyans should not needlessly be killed, sacrificed, and then humiliated and demeaned for the sake of a contest in which they are not central players, and for which...

UN protests Israeli killings of humanitarian workers

UNITED NATIONS (IPS)–The United Nations has protested the killings of five UN humanitarian workers by Israeli military forces this year. A UN spokesman said this would be the second-largest number of UN staff members killed in a single year in the Middle East. "This loss of civilian lives, of people working for a humanitarian UN agency is completely unacceptable,"...

Bush, Saddam Agree: War on Iraq is Inevitable!

Analysts: Latest Iraq weapons inspections a pretext for war Iraq beats deadline, U.S. continues to beat war drumsUNITED NATIONS(–Even as Iraq beat its deadline to turn over documents detailing their weapons programs, the country appeared to be on a collision course with the Bush administration, and, therefore, war. Despite increased action by peace activists and a letter signed Dec. 9 by...

Scandal in Puerto Rico

GINNEWS A highly regarded Reseacher accused of injecting patients with cancerNEW YORK (GIN)–The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) has commissioned an independent investigation into charges that an esteemed researcher for the Rockefeller Institute caused the deaths of eight Puerto Ricans more than 70 years ago by injecting them with cancerous cells. Meanwhile, the association has suspended its annual award in...

Africa: In the line of U.S. fire?

ASKIAMand Saeed Shabazz Is Africa next war on terror target?Bush dismisses Black America as he targets West African OilU.S. covets Africa's black goldSouth Africa wants proof of Africa-Iraq nuclear connection Attacks on Kenya could herald new terror power plays in AfricaWASHINGTON (–As Kenya’s President Daniel Arap Moi and Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Meles Zenawi rushed here for security talks with President George...

Western powers shun follow-up racism meeting

GENEVA (IPS)–The United Nations Working Group on People of African Descent began late November sessions without the participation of the big powers, which oppose the panel tasked to study racial discrimination. The Western Europe bloc, which under the UN human rights framework encompasses all industrialized countries, has so far failed to designate an expert to represent it in...