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Palestinians, Israelis agree to a ceasefire

Sheikh Yassin: Hamas still committed to truce (Al Bawaba)Minister Louis Farrakhan's Peace Mission Report (FCN, 07.22.2002)Nation of Islam leader offers his vision for Middle East peace (FCN, 06.26.2002) Farrakhan initiative accepted one year later UNITED NATIONS ( one year to the day after the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan proffered a plan to get the peace process moving between Palestinians and Israelis, that plan...

Activists concerned that Black Americans excluded from WCAR follow-up group

UNITED NATIONS (–Secretary-General Kofi Annan appointed five individuals June 16 to work along with the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights on the implementation of the "Declaration and Program of Action" of the 2001 World Conference Against Racism (WCAR), which was held in Durban, South Africa. Referring to the appointees as "eminent experts," Mr. Annan said they "have a...

U.S. casualties mount in Bush’s war without end

ATLANTA (–Officially, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are over. But the U.S. death toll continues to rise as soldiers come under fire in both hot spots. At Final Call press time, more than 45 U.S. soldiers had lost their lives in Iraq since the May 1 announcement by President George Bush that the combat phase in the war against...

Illicit small arms undermine African peace efforts

/GIN KINSHASA (IPS/GIN)–A Kalashnikov, or an AK-47 rifle, costs as little as $15 in Bunia, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. "You can even get it for less than $10 in the surrounding remote villages," says commander Mika, whose militia forces are engaged in a power struggle with the rival Hemas. The United Nations has deployed a peacekeeping force...

UN Report – U.S. gets its way at UN again

U.S. criticized for opposing international court Bush's snub of criminal court undermines world justice The Crimes of War Project Online UNITED NATIONS ( United Nations Security Council, June 12, approved an exemption for U.S. peacekeepers from prosecution by the new International Criminal Court for another year. Twelve "yes" votes were cast, with France, Germany and Syria abstaining. There are 15 members on...

Is road map to peace dead without Arafat?

Bush, Sharon try to ostracize Palestinian leader ( recent efforts of the Bush administration and that of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Israeli government toward a lasting peace in Palestine has been hailed by the mainstream media in the United States as significant and possibly the greatest overture in modern times. However, the inability to secure a ceasefire between the two nations...

Sudan progresses toward peace

WASHINGTON ( government of Sudan and the rebel group that has fought a 20-year-old civil war are set to sign a peace treaty by the end of this month, which could possibly end Africa’s longest and bloodiest civil war. With help from an unlikely source–the Bush administration–the long-hoped-for end of hostilities could be the gateway for an unprecedented period...

Appeal delayed on death sentence for Muslim woman

The death sentence appeal of a Nigerian Muslim woman charged with adultery has been postponed until Aug. 27. Amina Lawal was sentenced March 2002 by a Sharia court in Katsina State in northern Nigeria. Ms. Lawal appealed the sentence and her recent appeal hearing, scheduled for June 3, was postponed because two of the judges were unavailable. The controversial case...

Was Iran the barganing chip in Bush’s ‘roadmap’ plan?

WASHINGTON ( the U.S. retaliation after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, Pres. George W. Bush has sought to convince world public opinion that this country’s so-called War on Terrorism is not war against Islam itself and that the primary beneficiary of the policy has not been Israel. First there were the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, both Muslim countries....

U.S. gives conditions for lifting sanctions on Sudan

Misleading Congress On Sudan ( KHARTOUM, Sudan (PANA)–Secretary of State Colin Powell recently reiterated to visiting Sudanese Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail that economic sanctions against Khartoum would only be lifted after an accord has been signed with southern rebel group. "The Secretary of State told me that economic sanctions against us could be lifted immediately after a draft peace...