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A rising demand for freezing adoptions of Haitian children

CHARLENEM ( - Some child advocates and human rights groups are calling for an immediate end to adoptions of Haitian children in the aftermath of the 7.0 earthquake that toppled its capital Port au Prince. The instinct to help by taking children out of the country could have horrible results, they said. As of January 25, 363 Haitian orphans had been...

Haiti: New problems for already suffering nation

CHARLENEM LOS ANGELES ( - Fresh off a fact-finding mission from the earthquake-ravaged Haiti, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) blasted some recent developments in the Black Republic and called for more tents, more medicine, consistent U.S. military relief flights, and an end to all unvetted child adoptions. Some of Rep. Waters' strongest reactions were in response to the recent arrest of 10 Americans...

Death squads target Black activists in Colombia

-Contributing Editor- Afro Colombians appeal for help CHICAGO ( - The U.S. War on Drugs and multi-national corporate interests are creating life-threatening situations for descendants of slaves in Colombia as they fight to keep ownership and control of their land, an Afro Colombian activist told a crowd here recently during a U.S. tour to bring attention to the situation. These...

Aborted bombing puts Yemen in the spotlight

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - The attempted Christmas Day bombing of a U.S. airliner by a Nigerian allegedly associated with Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has propelled long-neglected Yemen into the media spotlight here. The attempt, which was foiled by alert passengers who subdued the alleged bomber, 23-year-old Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, as he tried to set off explosives, could result...

Farrakhan and delegation celebrate Ramadan conclusion with Moscow Muslims

- Originally published: February 6, 1998 MOSCOW ( - The temperature was 20  degrees. Icy winds blew a fresh dusting of snow among the 15,000 men and women who were standing tightly in ranks outside of the Central Mosque in this Russian capital city, listening to the proceedings inside over loudspeakers. Many of the faithful had removed their coats to use...

Russian Muslims embrace Farrakhan

- Originally published: February 6, 1998 MAHACHKALA, Russia ( - If there was ever any doubt in the truth of the promise of Nation of Islam Founder W.D. Fard that Islam would make friends for black men and women from North America all over the Planet Earth, not just in Africa, then members of the delegation traveling with the Honorable Minister...

Islamic leader visits Minister Louis Farrakhan and Nation of Islam

CHICAGO ( - Dr. Ibrahim Rabu, Deputy Assistant to Dr. Mohammed Sharif, General Secretary of the World Islamic People's Leadership, and head of the World Islamic Call Society (WICS) of Libya visited the United States and took a tour of the Nation of Islam's properties on December 4, 2009. Founded in 1970 by Libyan leader Muammar al-Gadhafi, the WICS is...

Seeking global peace through strong families

-Staff Writer- MANILA, Philippines ( - While America continues war in Afghanistan political, religious and community leaders from 28 nations came together Dec. 10-13, to work for peace–through focusing on family relationships. “I am a changed person. I really learned a lot here especially about peace in the family,” said Dr. Markandey Rai, coordinator of the Global Parliamentarians UN...

U.S., Iran moving toward confrontation

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS) - Iran's announced intention to build 10 new nuclear enrichment plants has been deemed “unacceptable” by the administration of President Barack Obama, which warned of increased pressure on Tehran if it does not soon accept Western proposals to curb its nuclear program. The contretemps, which came amid reports that Tehran had arrested five British nationals whose sailboat...

Obama losing credibility in key regions?

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN)–More than a year after his election, President Barack Obama appears to be dashing hopes both in the Arab world and in Latin America that he would bring major changes in U.S. policy toward their respective regions. His administration's decision to back down from its initial demand that Israel freeze all settlement activity in the West Bank and...