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Burkina Faso: Out of the frying pan with France but into the fire with the U.S.?

The West African nation of Burkina Faso placed its former colonial master France on notice to remove their military from its soil. The move coincides with an uptick of anti-France and anti-West sentiment on the continent and among people in the landlocked country. French troops were in Burkina Faso under a 2018 security agreement that allowed French Special Forces...

Africa can become new global supply chain force: UNCTAD

African economies should seize the opportunity to better integrate into technology-intensive global supply chains and boost prosperity, but this depends on their ability to harness key market and investment trends, the UN’s trade and development body, UNCTAD said on August 16. In a new report, UNCTAD shows that Africa can become a major exporter of higher value-added goods, creating growth and jobs, and fueling...

Mediation toward cessation of Sudan war is a long way off

“If this war (in Sudan) lasts for several years … the country that we knew as Sudan, a sort of regional linchpin, between the Red Sea, the Horn of Africa, the Sahel and Central Africa will no longer exist,” said Sudan policy and political analyst Kholood Khair, the founder and director of the UK-based Confluence Advisory think tank.  As Israel’s...

How will Blacks fare under South Africa’s new coalition government?

In the aftermath of the recent elections in South Africa and the newly formed Government of National Unity (GNU), some political tensions remain and there are concerns about the country’s direction and how Blacks will fare. Cyril Ramaphosa was sworn in for a second term as president. He touted his coalition government as the “beginning of a new era,”...

UK official: Pay Zimbabwe for land reform

GINNEWS HARARE (GIN)–The British official who chaired Zimbabwe’s independence process has called on the UK government to meet its promises in helping pay for land resettlement and agricultural reform that has been at the center of controversy in this southern African country. Lord Peter Carrington says money set aside at the time of the Lancaster House negotiations at independence should be...

Presidents of Iran, Venezuela attend African Union Summit

The African Union (Official Site)Birth of The African Union (FCN, 07-14-2002) Banjul, The Gambia (PANA) - Presidents Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela were among foreign observers attending the 7th AU Summit which opened in Banjul, the Gambia, Saturday. They joined leaders from most of the 53 AU Member States at the opening of the summit, which...

Politics, double standards and warmongers

-Contributing Writer- World class 'hypocrisy' in Libyan attacks (FCN, 03-22-2011) Video: Farrakhan warns, advises Obama on Libya (FCN, 03-10-2011) ( - On Saturday, March 19, the U.S. launched air strikes against “military targets” in the North African country of Libya, sending more than 120 tomahawk cruise missiles from U.S. ships and U.S. and British submarines. France, a partner in this “coalition...

Is President Obama dangerous for Africa?

( - President Obama's trip to Africa maybe more wolf in sheep's clothing. His trip is scheduled to include West, South and East Africa, and the nations of Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania. The trip may be too little too late. “To some in Africa,” as noted by Isaac Mpho Mogotsi in Politicsweb., “U.S. President Barack Obama represents...

10,000 women and the spark for Nigeria’s independence

In the recently released documentary “Journey of an African Colony,” executive producer and narrator Olasupo Shasore captivates his audience by physically visiting many of the locations discussed in this seven-part series on the colonial history of Nigeria. Facts in this documentary and the release Sept. 30, coincided with the 60th anniversary of Nigeria’s independence from Great Britain. The information comes...

Tanzania swears in the world’s first female Black Muslim president

The African continent should be proud of Tanzania’s seamless passing of power to vice president now President Samia Suluhu Hassan. The world’s first Black Muslim female world leader took the oath of office holding a Holy Qur’an after the death of the East African country’s beloved president and former science professor John Magufuli. “I think the fact that she’s Muslim...