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Malcolm X: Muhammad makes a giant

FCNNEWSSOURCE Malcolm X (1925-1965) enrolled in the Nation of Islam in 1947 while an inmate in jail and later rose to become national spokesman of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. His father was a “Garveyite Baptist preacher” and his family later moved from Nebraska to Michigan.    After the assassination by whites of his father in Lansing, his mother took ill...

Third meeting held between Nation of Islam and Jewish rabbis

MONSEY,N.Y. - Nation of Islam Chief of Staff Leonard F. Muhammad led a delegation of Nation of Islam officials to the upstate New York home of Rabbi Yecheskel Gold December 28, 1999 in a continuation of Muslim-Jewish dialogue begun six months earlier. Last June a delegation of rabbis from the orthodox Neturei Karta International community requested a meeting with Nation...

Howard U scientists make historic DNA breakthrough

Dr. Michael L. Blakey, project and scientific director for the African Burial Ground, is doing the breakthrough work at Howard University, an historic Black college in Washington. Dr. Blakey has opened up the possibility of slave descendants tracing their ancestry to specific areas in Nigeria, Niger, Senegal and Benin. Up until now specific genetic tracing had been difficult and left...

Latino cops sue NYPD

By Charles Brooks Originally published: 09-28-1999 NEW YORK ( - While the New York Police Department (NYPD) attempts to maneuver itself around the number of pending investigations looking into police brutality and misconduct charges, it’s been hit with a lawsuit which highlights the discriminatory practices within their disciplinary process. The Latino Officers Association has filed a federal lawsuit against NYPD, charging...

Nation of Islam team defeats police lawsuit filed after mosque stand-off

By Corey Muhammad The N.Y. state Supreme Court handed down the decision against officers who filed a $1.15 billion suit against the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Muhammad Mosque No. 7 in New York, the Nation of Islam, local Muslim officials and the National Black Theatre Workshop, from which the mosque then rented meeting space. The case was dismissed in its entirety,...

The Million Man March Pledge

The Million Man March

Text of the pledge that Minister Louis Farrakhan asked Black men to take on October 16, 1995, during the Million Man March on Washington, D.C. I PLEDGE that from this day forward I will strive to love my brother as I love myself. I, from this day forward, will strive to improve myself spiritually, morally, mentally, socially, politically and economically for...

Million Man March Financial Audit

Million Man March Financial Audit

In a public display of accountability, the Million Man March was the first ever public march to provide an independent Financial Audit of its operations. MILLION MAN MARCH 1995, INC.AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1995 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORTFINANCIAL STATEMENTSBalance SheetStatement of Activity and Changes in Fund BalanceStatement of Cash FlowsNote to the Financial StatementsIndependent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control StructuresIndependent Auditor’s Report on...