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Survey ranks best places for Blacks to live

( - Looking for the best place for Blacks to live? Look to Columbus, Ohio, as the number one city for Blacks, according to a comprehensive, six-month study conducted by and BET Nightly News in conjunction with their "Under One Roof" Black family series. BET looked at U.S. cities with the highest Black population percentages and rated...

Survey ranks best places for Blacks to live

( - Looking for the best place for Blacks to live? Look to Columbus, Ohio, as the number one city for Blacks, according to a comprehensive, six-month study conducted by and BET Nightly News in conjunction with their "Under One Roof" Black family series. BET looked at U.S. cities with the highest Black population percentages and rated...

Survey ranks best places for Blacks to live

( - Looking for the best place for Blacks to live? Look to Columbus, Ohio, as the number one city for Blacks, according to a comprehensive, six-month study conducted by and BET Nightly News in conjunction with their "Under One Roof" Black family series. BET looked at U.S. cities with the highest Black population percentages and rated...

Survey ranks best places for Blacks to live

( - Looking for the best place for Blacks to live? Look to Columbus, Ohio, as the number one city for Blacks, according to a comprehensive, six-month study conducted by and BET Nightly News in conjunction with their "Under One Roof" Black family series. BET looked at U.S. cities with the highest Black population percentages and rated...

Blacks denied chance to coach in NFL: report

BALTIMORE, Md. (–The news that Black coaches in the National Football League have superior performances yet receive inferior opportunities adds another high profile company to the growing list of employers that allegedly discriminate against Blacks in hirings and firings. Employment discrimination attorneys Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. and Cyrus Mehri, called on the NFL to reform its hiring with new...

Family sues sorority over death of AKA pledge

By Lenea Austin - The L.A. Sentineland Final Call Staff LOS ANGELES - The family of Kristin High, one of two California State Los Angeles students who died in early September, has filed a $100 million wrongful death lawsuit against Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, charging that the organization was responsible for her death at Dockweiler State Beach. The suit, filed Sept....

Voices of Dissent Rising

WASHINGTON ( --Moved to action by the quiet but consistent dissent from members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), the Democratic Party’s most prominent White liberals have themselves now moved from the congressional “rubber-stamp-society”–that was poised to give President Bush “maximum flexibility” to use unlimited authority to take whatever action he sees fit, including the use of force,...

Lawmakers defend Iraq visit

WASHINGTON--Insisting that their recent visit to Baghdad came about because they care about what happens to this country and its soldiers, two Democratic members of Congress--both of whom are Vietnam War veterans--defended their trip in the face of charges that they are “unpatriotic” and that they were “cavorting with the enemy.” Their mission succeeded, Reps. David Bonior (D-Mich.)...

U.S. Targets Africa’s Oil

NEW YORK (–While President Bush was goading the UN General Assembly to draft a new resolution threatening Iraq with possible military attack if they do not allow weapons inspectors in, he was quietly preparing the way for U.S. companies to exploit the next oil frontier: Sub-Saharan Africa.Following his haughty mid-September UN speech, he met with 11 African leaders, most...

Farrakhan tells youth leadership summit: ‘We must have aim and purpose’

HARLEM, N.Y. (–The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Sept. 14 challenged a group of youth leaders to think about their future. "What is your purpose in life?" Minister Farrakhan asked the leadership gathering. "What is your purpose on this earth? Allah creates nothing without an aim and a purpose. Everything in creation has a purpose and we who are considered by...