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Minister Louis Farrakhan addresses sniper arrest

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, members of the press, community leaders, thank you all for coming. We have called this press conference to answer some of the many inquiries that we have had over the last few days about John Allen Williams, also known as John Muhammad. Naturally, we, like most of...

Not in our front yard!

Native American, Black, Latino protesters tackle toxic waste, chemical weapons production and Nevada nuclear test site Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans from communities contaminated by toxic waste dumps and chemical weapons production traveled to Las Vegas Oct. 12-14 for protests at the Nevada Test Site in the heart of Native American homelands. “It’s in our backyard ... it’s in our...

Wake up, America!

ERICTOUREMand Saeed ShabazzStaff Writers Click here to Start Webcast   (Requires Real Player) The Honroable Minister Louis Farrakhan's letter to Pres. Bush Farrakhan says country has been taken from its citizens HARLEM, N.Y. (–Within three months the Bush administration may be engaged in war with Iraq and locked into a policy that threatens world peace and could usher in catastrophic military conflict prophesized in...

Philadelphia activist killed by D.C. sniper

Hundreds mourn a Visionary Man -Philadelphia Inquirer Matah Network Online PHILADELPHIA–Domestic terrorism again took a toll on the Black community with the recent shooting death of noted activist Ken Bridges. He was 53-years-old. Mr. Bridges was the eighth victim of a gunman who has terrorized residents in the District of Columbia and surrounding suburbs in Maryland and Virginia. Mr. Bridges was...

Farrakhan: Americans must stand for right

DETROIT–Appearing before a packed audience at Little Rock Baptist Church Oct. 8, the leader of the Nation of Islam gave a major speech that hammered away at presidential calls for war with Iraq. He argued for public backing of measures to avert war and seek peace. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan also predicted that if war breaks out, he and...

War over words

Noted author clashes with N.J. gov., Jewish groups over poem NEWARK (—Amiri Baraka, 68, internationally renowned poet, playwright, literary critic and poet laureate of New Jersey is again the center of controversy. Jewish groups and the governor of New Jersey are demanding his resignation as the state’s poet laureate because of a poem he wrote last October. Mr. Baraka told a...

Black Panther leader’s son says someone tried to kill him

CHICAGO ( - The son of a Black Panther leader who was killed by law enforcement officials in the 1960s says those same forces recently attempted to kill him. Fred Hampton, Jr., whose legendary father was assassinated Dec. 4, 1969 alongside fellow Panther Mark Clark, says his continued activism and revolutionary fervor have brought the same enemies his father...

Congress bows to Bush, but peace activists won’t

Thousands pledge to stop war Lawmakers defend Iraq visit THE WHITE HOUSE (–Armed with congressional approval for an invasion of Iraq, President George W. Bush immediately set his sights on winning a tough new weapons inspections resolution from the United Nations Security Council. But opponents of military action insist that war hawks in the administration may have overlooked one, still small,...

BUSH: ‘We can’t Wait’

As opposition grows, president seeks support for possible attack on Iraq THE WHITE HOUSE (–The threat from Iraq “stands alone” President George W. Bush warned in a major speech in Cincinnati at Final Call press time Oct. 7. And as dissent grew among prominent Democrats and the UN Security Council appeared to slow the U.S. rush to war, Mr....

Thousands pledge to stop war

Martin L. King III joins chorus against military action CHICAGO (–Almost exactly one year since the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan, thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of the Tribune Tower Oct. 6 to tell President George W. Bush not to engage in a war on Iraq in the name of all Americans. Not in Our Name demonstrators urged the American...