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Does Republican control of Congress make Black vote irrelevant?

McKinney: Democrats in 'valley of death'  WASHINGTON (–The aftermath of the stunning nationwide sweep for Republicans on Election Day 2002 may open the door for harsh government retrenchment, new legislative initiatives favoring the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class, little hope for relief in the federal court system, and even more political isolation of Blacks...

Adoption brings joy into the lives of children and families

National Adoption Information Clearinghouse WASHINGTON (–Mustafa Muhammad is a bright and curious nine-year-old. When he was just six, he began to look around at the people in his family. He looked at pictures of his grandparents, his cousins and other relatives and asked his mother, "Why don’t I look like everyone else?" His mother, Aishah, knew this day was coming,...

McKinney: Democrats in ‘valley of death’

By Carla Sanders Cynthia McKinney Speaks On Election Results CHICAGO–With her woolen hair neatly twisted into two braids, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of Georgia talked straight Nov. 10 to an audience of more than 200 people at Chicago’s Kennedy-King College during a discussion of politics and the electoral process. The congresswoman described the recent congressional election as a march into the...

Get fit to live Exercising during Ramadan

Q: Is it okay to exercise during Ramadan? AM: There is nothing wrong with exercising during Ramadan, as long as you exercise during the earlier morning hours so you have time to drink some water before the sun comes up. Or you may choose to exercise after the sun goes down. I definitely wouldn’t recommend exercising at 8...

Urban League president to retire

WASHINGTON (NNPA)–Hugh B. Price, who took over a fading and financially strapped National Urban League eight-years-ago and transformed it into a revitalized and refocused civil rights voice, is leaving his post in April. The Nov. 6 announcement was unexpected and Mr. Price says he has no definite plans for the future except a "better balance" between his professional and personal...

Little relief for homeless families

NEW YORK (–"I am forced to stay in a men’s shelter, in another borough, while my wife and two sons have to stay in the Bronx Emergency Assistance Unit," complained Jose Rodriguez, 31. He stands across the street from the Emergency Assistance Unit (EAU), holding his two sons, one three years old, the other a mere one-and-a-half. The pudgy-faced...

New research on inner city asthma

Ten-year-old Faatima Muhammad has been to the emergency room so many times for her asthma that her family has lost count. It started with a bad cold and cough. The cold went away but the cough remained. "I could see her laboring to breathe. Every breath became an effort. We rushed her to the emergency room," said Aisha Muhammad. Inner...

What’s Troubling U.S. War Vets?

 Farrakhan responds to D.C. Sniper CaseArmy to release report on domestic slayings at Fort BraggThe leading cause of violence in America is its militarized culture WASHINGTON (–Prior to his Oct. 28 shooting rampage that claimed the lives of three professors before killing himself, Robert Flores Jr., was a struggling student at the University of Arizona Nursing School, with no prior...

Bush: UN resolution Iraq’s last chance

UN gives Bush potential go-ahead to attack Iraq Text of Iraq's letter to UN Secretary Gen. Kofi Annan -Iraqi News Agency (11/13/02) Full text of UN Resolution 1441 (Adobe PDF Format from UN) U.S. dollars bought UN vote on Iraq Iraqi National assembly debates UN resolution -Iraqi News Agency UNITED NATIONS (–"The dictator of Iraq will disarm or America will lead...

Blacks ‘repudiate’ war with Iraq

War with Iraq could lead up to four million deaths: report WASHINGTON (–Despite saturation news coverage of U.S. war plans with Iraq as well as a "rally-around-the-flag" culture that benefits President George W. Bush, most Blacks in this country actually reject his idea of a war, and only a scant few even see it as a key concern, according...