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Black farmers connect with food chains

WASHINGTON ( years of work in negotiating with major food distribution chains in the Washington area to carry the produce of Black farmers has resulted in the first site visits. The development has moved the National Coalition of Minority Growers and Agribusinesses (NCMGA), primarily Maryland-based Black farmers, closer to its quest to put the food grown by Black...

Journalists: U.S. media censorship is rampant

/GIN Iraq & the Media (FAIR, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting) OSLO, Norway (IPS/GIN)–If the reality in Iraq is one thing and the reporting of it another, that is because much of the media wants it that way, say two leading journalists who have been reporting the "other" side of the Iraq story. The level of self-censorship in the media...

Post 9/11 immigrant round-up backfired, group says

/GIN WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN)–Measures taken by the U.S. administration against Arab and Muslim immigrants after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against New York and the Pentagon have not only failed to protect U.S. security, but may have made it more vulnerable, according to a major report released here June 26. The round-up and detention of more than 1,200 immigrants...

Bush says Africa trip signals his optimism

ERICTOUREMand Askia Muhammad ( a June 26 address delivered to the Corporate Council on Africa’s Business Summit in Washington, D.C., President George Bush formally announced his intention to visit five African nations in five days. His plans were to begin in Senegal on July 7 and conclude the excursion in Nigeria on July 12. He told the gathering of potential investors at...

Activists announce 40th anniversary of historic March on Washington

WASHINGTON ( broad coalition of activists–now including Muslims and Arabs and other activists who were not a part of the original march–will commemorate the 40th anniversary of the great 1963 March on Washington with another march on Aug. 23, the namesake of the 1963 keynote speaker announced June 18. His father’s "dream," articulated in a dramatic speech on the...

Activists support Zimbabwean president

FCN Editorial - First Mugabe, now Charles Taylor: Who’s next? Don't blame Mugabe for everything SA Pres. Thabo Mbeki (UK Guardian)Activists: Fast track is right track in Zimbabwe land redistribution plan Journalists see Zimbabwe's land crisis up close (FCN Special Report) NEW YORK ( December 12th Movement and a coalition of organizations are calling for a rally on June 28 at the...

Last line of defense

FCC decision to expand media ownership will curb dissent Black publishers view FCC ruling as a threat to independent voices BALTIMORE ( the June 12-14 annual convention here of Black newspaper publishers, the buzz this year was what impact the recent FCC ruling–allowing large conglomerates to purchase more media outlets in a city–would have on their ability to survive. But John...

Bush under fire

and James Muhammad Corporate Media Silent on General Clark's 9/11 Comments (FAIR)Dean: Investigate Bush Statements on Iraq (AP)The CIA and That "Yellowcake" ( attorney general says Bush should be impeached No weapons of mass destruction creates problem for Bush UNITED NATIONS( Iraq war and removal of Saddam Hussein was supposed to be the glue that would seal Pres. George W. Bush’s...

Dying while Black in New York City

NEW YORK ( New Yorkers are saying publicly that it is dangerous to be Black in the "Big Apple." They are referring to a recent rash of police killings and beatings. "To further the ‘shock and awe’ program in the Black community, doors will continue to be rammed in. Black women and children will not be safe in their homes,...

Russell Simmons leads rally against harsh drug law

Activists demand repeal of N.Y. drug law (FCN)Q & A With Russell Simmons, Pt I ( & A With Russell Simmons, Pt II (, responsibility and revolution (FCN) NEW YORK ( of New Yorkers joined "hip hop godfather" Russell Simmons June 4 at a rally outside city hall to push for reform of the 30-year-old Rockefeller Drug Laws. Enacted in 1973 under...