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Senate report exposes Bush’s deception on Iraq war

New York Times attempts to rewrites Iraq War history (FAIR, 09-08-2006)Journalists: U.S. media censorship is ‘rampant' (FCN, 07-17-2003)President George Walker Bush: The Greatest Threat to World Peace (FCN, 10-07-2002) ( - “Please reconsider your plans.” That's what the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan wrote to President George W. Bush on October 30, 2002 in his second letter of warning against...

Workers facing many issues in Katrina clean-up and reconstruction

( - Over the past year, there been hard-core street organizing in New Orleans on behalf of workers, as well as numerous reports and analysis. One such report was recently released by the Workers Justice Coalition, the National Immigration Law Center and the Advancement Project, entitled “And Injustice for All: Workers' Lives in the Reconstruction of New Orleans.” It is...

Scholars, artists celebrate ‘birth’ of modern civil rights movement

HARPERS FERRY, W.VA. ( - Scholars, musicians, politicians, modern civil rights icons and descendants of the original participants commemorated the 100th anniversary of the Niagara Movement’s first U.S. meeting Aug. 16-20 on the historic grounds of Storer College, which is now a U.S. National Park. In 1906, led by Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, dozens of Black men and women met...

Effective charitable giving

“Although African Americans tend to associate the concept of philanthropy with the very rich, our community has historically been a generous and giving one, whether it be time or money,” stated Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League in his “Opinion” column in the New York Beacon, July 27. The concept of giving runs deep in...

Mississippi still struggles a year after Hurricane Katrina

By Richard Muhammad ( - The one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina brought the focus back to New Orleans, but Gulf Coast communities in Mississippi still struggle to get attention and help for areas swept away by last summer’s deadly super storm. “We have been so overshadowed. In Mississippi, we have total neighborhoods that have been just completely wiped off the map....

Disaster profiteering in the Gulf

( - A recent report indicates that U.S. corporations and government entities are waxing rich off no-bid contracts and layers of contracting pyramids in the Gulf Coast region while multitudes of displaced residents struggle for work and daily survival in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. CorpWatch, a non-profit organization that tracks corporate influence and its consequences, recently released...

Black women of Katrina

Get involved! Rebuild Hope Now The Unmasking of New Orleans (Final Call Documentary) ( - One year after hurricanes Katrina and Rita introduced themselves to the Gulf Coast with death and destruction, many victim’s lives are still not much better. This is what the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation’s (NCBCP) Black Women’s Roundtable (BWR) program found on...

Latino immigrant activist waits patiently in refuge

CHICAGO ( - A plaque on the wall above us reads, “The Lord is with you wherever you go.” But for now, if His Presence surrounds her within the confines of the grounds of Adalberto United Methodist Church, it will suffice for Elvira Arrelano. She sought sanctuary in the humble Westside church two weeks ago from a deportation...

Domestic violence, a raging epidemic

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM LOS ANGELES ( - Domestic violence perpetrators and victims hail from various ethnic backgrounds, wealthy and low-income families, but what many people do not know is that the raging epidemic occurs often among children as young as 11 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC recently reported in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly...

Islamic “Fascism” Frame Set Up by Right-Wing Press

JIM.LOBE The "War on Terror" Exposed (FCN Webcast) WASHINGTON, Aug 31 (IPS) - The aggressive new campaign by the administration of President George W. Bush to depict U.S. foes in the Middle East as "fascists" and its domestic critics as "appeasers" owes a great deal to steadily intensifying efforts by the right-wing press over the past several months to draw...