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Amnesty for who?

Proposed immigration bill leaves many skeptical of its intentions LOS ANGELES ( - Democrats and Republicans recently agreed on a comprehensive proposal bill which would grant conditional legal status to undocumented immigrants and tighten border security. Some immigrants’ rights groups state that while the bipartisan agreement represents progress, it bears greater cause for concern. Overall, the proposed bill,...

Students not soldiers

Increasing military recruitment tactics target Black, Latino youth Military recruitment down: Blacks silently protest war (FCN, 04-06-2005)Army recruiters: No Latino left behind (FCN, 11-24-2004) LOS ANGELES ( - President George Bush’s recent veto of a bill that would provide for emergency spending and a withdrawal deadline from the Iraq war has heightened peace activists’ concerns that a prolonged stay...

Mumia Abu-Jamal: Prisoner of Injustice

ASKIAMSenior Correspondent FCN Editorial - Prisoners of Injustice (FCN, 05-31-2007)Congressional hypocrisy in anti Abu-Jamal resolution (FCN, 01-01-2007)The Case of Leonard Peltier; Native American Political Prisoner WASHINGTON ( - There was a packed courtroom inside the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia May 17, while outside hundreds of supporters of journalist and death-row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal supported his claim of...

Shame on Jamestown 400th year anniversary

Virginia legislature’s "profound regret" (FCN, 03-29-2007) Behind the pomp and circumstance of the 400th year celebration of the founding of Jamestown, Va., May 12 is the shame and horror of a history based on the destruction of the Indians, the cash crop of tobacco that led to countless deaths from smoking, and the enslavement of Africans to produce that...

Make your home and neighborhood ‘fit to live’

In order to truly “get fit to live,” we cannot ignore our environment in our homes. I prefer to exercise in a clean environment, but that means more than an environment that is clean and free of clutter, but free of chemical agents that may cause us harm to our health. A home or school may be...

Intellectuals weigh in on Philadelphia murder problem

PHILADELPHIA ( - Some of the best Black minds recently weighed in on a vexing problem that has surpassed even the larger cities of New York and Los Angeles–an increasing murder rate. Philadelphia has had at least 108 people die as a result of gun violence so far this year, the majority of the murder victims being Black, which...

Blessed are the peacemakers

Third annual Cease Fire Breakfast moves gangs toward path of atonement LOS ANGELES ( - The Third Annual Cease Fire Breakfast convened May 12 at Bethel A.M.E. Church evidenced what some people doubt, but what others know, live, work and sacrifice for: Peace is on the horizon. Clergy, community activists, reformed gang members and mothers of murdered children joined...

Banning the ‘n-word’ movement continues

NEW YORK (–Queens Councilman Leroy Comrie is not like most politicians, in the sense that he won't take credit for the work that he does, particularly when it comes to his “Ban the n-word Campaign.” Starting in the first week of February, Councilman Comrie used the backdrop of Black History Month to launch his initiative to have the New York...

Britain’s queen helps celebrate Jamestown’s murderous past

All party, but no apology Virginia legislature’s "profound regret" (FCN, 03-29-2007) ( - Leading up to the visit of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II to the U.S. city of Jamestown, Va. on May 4, to help celebrate the “commemoration” ceremony marking the 400th anniversary of the city, there were those who felt that it would be an opportunity for the 81-year-old...

Sands begin to shift in Congress against the Iraq war

ASKIAMSenior Correspondent Iraq war anniversary: The quagmire enters its fifth year (FCN, 04-09-2007) WASHINGTON ( - On May 10, Democratic leaders of the House of Representatives marked another timid, incremental milestone in their effort to end the war in Iraq by approving their second plan to put strings on war funding. Voting 221-205, the House provided partial funding for the war until...