Firefighters monitor the Sugar Fire, part of the Beckwourth Complex Fire, as it burns at Frenchman Lake in Plumas National Forest, Calif., on Thursday, July 8, 2021. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)

Photo: Firefighters monitor the Sugar Fire, part of the Beckwourth Complex Fire, as it burns at Frenchman Lake in Plumas National Forest, Calif., on July 8, 2021. (AP Photo/Noah Berger

The National Weather Service issued excessive heat warnings across Southern and Central California, that saw temperatures spike into the triple digits. Such high temperatures and bone-dry vegetation amid a year of little rain, heightened fire danger, according to media reports.

Western states are preparing for another heat wave on the heels of the reported “hottest” June on record for the U.S. Eight states had their hottest Junes, including Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah. These same states are preparing for what could be a record-setting July. As many as 28 million people could be impacted.

The National Weather Service offered tips on staying safe during excessive heat including to stay extra hydrated. During a heat wave, that means drinking two to four glasses of water every hour. Also, wear loose-fitting, light colored clothing and a hat if you go outdoors. If you don’t have air conditioning or can’t afford to run it, take a cool shower twice a day and go to a cooling center or other air-conditioned location. Even a shaded yard or park is better than staying inside.


Flames threatening campgrounds and cabins prompted evacuations and closed off a swath of Northern California forest in early July. Hundreds of firefighters aided by aircraft were fighting the Beckwourth Complex, two blazes sparked by lightning that were carving their way through the eastern edge of the million-acre Plumas National Forest in the northern Sierra Nevada near the Nevada state line, reported  the Associated Press.

Adding to the excessive heat, drought, and fires the state also experienced an earthquake measuring 6.0 that shook Central California on the afternoon of July 8.  According to, “Since the first quake, there were more than a dozen aftershocks ranging between 2.9 and 4.2. The earthquake and its aftershocks were shallow, originating around four and five miles underground. Shaking is more intense from quakes that hit close to the surface, which is likely why it was felt so strongly in Central California.”

Excessive heat is not the only concern. The National Hurricane Center reported Tropical Storm Elsa caused flash flooding around areas in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. New York experienced flooded subway stations and major highways.

Many people attribute such weather events to global warming. However, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated in his book, “The Fall of America,” the following:

“All around the Southern Border of America, storms are raging. There are tornadoes and heavy rains and more storms are on the way, one right after another. And in the North and Far West and in the East, America is surrounded with the judgments of Allah (God). There are earthquakes and the sea is raging. The Pacific Ocean is now angry and is raging and tossing up great waves as never before.”

The Nation of Islam patriarch warned that Allah (God) is using the forces of nature to humble America.

“Why should these things hit America? The Revelations teach you why. It is because America is filled with devils and has such unclean persons living in America. That is true under the symbolism of a hateful bird. Every filthy, slimy, wicked person comes here for a haven, where he can do any wickedness he wants to do, the country is open and welcomes that type of person,” Mr. Muhammad continued.

His top student and National Representative, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, has cautioned for years to “watch the weather.”

“I’ve been telling you, watch the weather. Every day the weather is getting worse and worse. The White meteorologists cannot tell you what the weather’s going to be; but my teacher told me. Who’s your teacher, Farrakhan? My teacher is The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Without him and the Great Mahdi, I wouldn’t be here, but he told me there are two of us backing you up: Allah and myself. They are worried about the weather. The president knows something. He says he doesn’t believe in climate control (climate change) and that we can do something to stop this,” the Minister stated in message titled, “The Man Jesus and How Not To Fall Into Idolatry,” delivered July 21, 2019, at Mosque Maryam in Chicago.

“Mr. President, you do have a point. If the scientists could cause this to stop, they would have done it. The scientists have a point, but the scientists don’t create rain, hail, snow, and earthquakes. Some of these chastisements are being guided. Did you hear what I said? Who has the power to guide a storm and it destroys what the guide says? The Mahdi is not just a guide for human beings. He’s a guide for the forces of nature itself,” the Minister stated.

Shawntell Muhammad can be contacted at [email protected]