We are coming into a special time of year for the Nation of Islam, Black America, international guests and even curiosity seekers: It’s Saviours’ Day season!
It’s time for our annual convention which returns to Chicago, our headquarters’ city, in 2025. The base for our gathering Feb. 21-23 will be the grounds of our National Center and Mosque Maryam. We welcome you to our house where we will be honored to serve you.
While details are still unfolding, mark your calendars, make your reservations for what we call the Crowning Event of Black History Month, which allows us not only to appreciate history but to make history.
We make history by coming together, enjoying workshops, trainings, connections and conversations and taking our excitement back home to continue or join the effort to raise our suffering people.
We invite you to an exhilarating experience of faith, love, brotherhood, sisterhood, and the beauty of standing in a singular place regardless of our faiths, politics, economic conditions or other differences.
Whether you are followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan or not, you will be embraced, welcomed and enjoy true fellowship in a safe, peaceful, fun and respectful place.
At Saviours’ Day by the grace of Almighty God Allah, we come in peace, we interact in a peaceful way and want all who participate to enjoy peace.
For the Nation of Islam in the West, we mark the birth and advent of the long-awaited Messiah of the Christians and the Mahdi of the Muslims, Master W. Fard Muhammad, who taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and offered our people light, life and power through the Supreme Wisdom shared with us. And They both gave us the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
He gave us keys to abundant physical life, mental and spiritual resurrection. He trained us and our children to make it in a world going out and how to build a new world based on freedom, justice and equality.
He gave us a deep knowledge of self and an ever-deeper sense of self love that allows us to extend love and never feel inferior to anyone.
He made us a people who respect the power of learning as a valuable part of changing reality and made us appreciate a teaching that is far above the teachings of this world.
He made us better women and men, better sons and daughters, better fathers and mothers, better cousins, better siblings, better neighbors, better workers and true friends.
“We were just students under a Master Teacher who asked us to study. Then, Master Fard Muhammad began to tell us about the distance of the planets and the life that is on the planets.
He taught Elijah Muhammad, who was from the cotton fields of Georgia, and, who only went to the fourth grade of school,” said Minister Farrakhan, in a message titled, “Revelation: The Hidden Truths,” delivered at Mosque Maryam.
“If you compare what Master Fard Muhammad said in 1930 (now 79 years ago), with the dimensions that the scholars have given, every year they have gotten closer and closer, until now their computations are similar with Master Fard Muhammad’s.
He is the man Who taught Elijah Muhammad, and came to raise us up from a dead level and make us rulers over those who once ruled us—not by guns and sticks, but by giving us a superior knowledge.” Minister Farrakhan was speaking in 2001.
Allah appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad in North America on July 4, 1930. He declared that the 400 years of bondage Blacks served in America had ended.
His Coming and Declaration fulfills many scriptures; however, perhaps most notable is the fulfillment of the promise God made to Abraham that his descendants would endure bondage in a strange land among a strange people—before God Himself would deliver Abraham’s seed and judge the nation they served.
Master Fard Muhammad was born February 26, 1877, in the Holy City of Mecca. He raised and taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who dedicated over 40 years of his life to the resurrection of the mentally, morally, spiritually and economically dead so-called American Negro. Each year he would convene Saviour’s Day, deliver a major address and expound on the divine wisdom given to him by his teacher.
“After the 1975 departure of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in September of 1977, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan made the decision to rebuild the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and reestablish the Nation of Islam.
Under Minister Farrakhan’s leadership, Saviour’s Day returned in 1981 in Chicago. In 1983, the Honorable Min. Louis Farrakhan changed the spelling of the commemoration from Saviour’s Day, as it had been, to the plural Saviours’ Day.
He explained during a message delivered in Gary, Ind., that the change meant that not only was Master Fard Muhammad the Saviour for the Black Man and Woman of America, but that the Muslims in the Nation of Islam had the mission of delivering the word and doing the work of resurrection as “little saviours” for the suffering masses of Blacks in America and suffering people around the world.
“Thousands now attend the convention, which has grown to include workshops, plenary sessions, lively discussions, and entertainment, social and educational, activities for children and families, the Drill exhibition and closes with a major address delivered by Minister Farrakhan.
It is a joyful and spirited occasion that is looked forward to by members of the Nation of Islam and the Black community,” as The Final Call observed.
“Some of Black America’s leading political, social, business, sports and entertainment giants have participated in and supported Saviours’ Day conventions. International guests are featured and come to participate in its full schedule of activities.
The advent of the Internet has provided another way for people around the globe to enjoy aspects of the convention and access information. Saviours’ Day has most often been held in Chicago, but previous gatherings have also been held in Gary, Ind.,
Detroit, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and an International Saviours’ Day was held in Accra, Ghana, in 1994, drawing thousands to the Motherland.”
Every Saviours’ Day is an incredible gathering. But there is something special about coming to “headquarters.” We do our work where we live and travel but Chicago is our home despite where we may reside.
We are part of a collective whole. We revel in the discipline, sacrifice and unity that comes with having a place in our Nation and helping to build our Nation.
This post-pandemic year, we will be able to stand in ranks like a solid wall. We are cemented by our faith, our commitment, our joy, our mission, our shared sacrifice and our love.
Happy Saviours’ Day 2025!
—Naba’a Muhammad, editor in chief, The Final Call