FILE - The Pentagon and the surrounding area is seen in this aerial view in Washington, Jan. 26, 2020. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)

Several news outlets reported mysterious lights that appeared to hover over Capitol Hill in late November causing panic among people who identified the objects as UFOs. Some so-called experts and observers were dismissive of the sightings as lens flares or simply lights in the night sky.

However, according to a new annual report released in mid-November, as of October 24, the Pentagon amassed a total of 1,652 reports on sightings of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), formerly known as UFOs. 

From May 1, 2023 to June 1, 2024, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) received 757 reports: 485 incidents that occurred during the reporting period and 272 additional incidents that occurred between 2021 and 2022 but were not previously reported.

A little over a third of the incidents were closed or pending final review, resolved to be ordinary objects such as balloons, birds, unmanned aerial systems, satellites and aircraft.


At the time of the report, 21 incidents were undergoing further analysis, and 444 were placed in an active archive because of a lack of sufficient data. The archive includes 102 incidents from U.S. military assets operating over the East Asian seas or deployed to the Middle East. Observations were also reported near U.S. nuclear infrastructure, weapons and launch sites.

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught on the reality of these objects as early as the 1930s. “The present wheel-shaped plane known as the Mother of Planes, is one-half mile by a half mile and is the largest mechanical man-made object in the sky.

It is a small human planet made for the purpose of destroying the present world of the enemies of Allah. The cost to build such a plane is staggering! The finest brains were used to build it.

It is capable of staying in outer space six to twelve months at a time without coming into the earth’s gravity. It carried fifteen hundred bombing planes with the most deadliest explosives—the type used in bringing up mountains on earth.

The very same method is to be used in the destruction of this world,” the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote in his book, “Message to the Blackman in America,” in the chapter titled, “The Battle in the Sky is Near.”

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan like his teacher has taught on the reality of the Wheel, called the Mother Plane, and its 1,500 “baby planes.” 

“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said it was ‘a masterpiece of mechanics and engineering,’ and that ‘nothing like this has ever been seen before.’  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said it is ‘the greatest military weapon ever developed in the annals of the history of Allah (God) and man in this Universe.’

He said that the Vision of this Wheel was seen thousands of years before it came into being, or became a reality.  He said that this weapon was made for the purpose of destroying this present world in The Final Battle with the forces of evil that had ruled our present world,” Minster Farrakhan stated in part 52 of his 58-week lecture series, “The Time and What Must Be Done.”  

“While many people are just now hearing about this from the government and Pentagon over the last couple of years, these activities with these UFOs, especially as they have been violating airspace and interfering with nuclear weapons projects, have been taking place for decades.

Since at least the 1940s,” Nation of Islam Student Minister Ilia Rashad Muhammad, author of “UFOs And The Nation Of Islam: The Source, Proof, And Reality Of The Wheels,” said to The Final Call.

Christian Stepien, chief technology officer with the National UFO Reporting Center, also charged the government with knowing about the crafts since the 1940s.  “They’ve been really trying hard to cover it up, I would say, and to debunk sightings and try to explain them away,” he said to The Final Call.

The center has collected over 180,000 reports from people during the 50 years it has been operating. Sightings have been consistent over time, Mr. Stepien said.

He spoke of reports that include objects making strange maneuvers and objects that hover motionlessly before suddenly turning off to the horizon in a split second. Geographically, people tend to see more of the objects in areas with a clear view of the sky and in areas with a high population density, he said.

Public interest concerning these flying crafts is growing, with news articles from November and December about sightings in Wisconsin, Connecticut, New York City, North Dakota and Texas. Other outlets have reported the top cities and states in the country where people are reporting sightings.

While civilians have been reporting and capturing the crafts for decades, the U.S. government just started admitting the truth of their existence in recent years and has had a series of congressional hearings on the topic. The latest hearing occurred on Nov. 13 (see The Final Call, Vol. 44 No. 7).

“Part of what was discussed in these recent hearings is really the fact that there’s so much that’s not discussed. There are so many variables and unknown information that’s needed, and that’s why this is such a phenomena and such an anomalous phenomena, because they don’t know,” Student Min. Ilia Rashad Muhammad said.

“They don’t know the intent, they don’t know the purposes and they don’t know the origins, so they claim, of these crafts. And what’s worse is that not only do they not know, but they have continued to ignore and overlook the ones who provide the answers to the intent, the purposes and the origins of these crafts, and that is the Nation of Islam.”

Student Min. Muhammad is producer of “Answered,” a documentary series on UFOs and the Nation of Islam. He shared words from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that God is now making the wheels more present and known.

“Now we see where these wheels have been sighted over Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital,” he said, referring to a recent viral photo that circulated on social media depicting objects hovering over Capitol Hill.

But this was not the first time the wheels appeared in Washington, D.C., he said. He recalled a moment in late 2019 when an unidentified object entered restricted airspace in Washington, D.C., causing the White House and U.S. Capitol to go under lockdown.

“These wheels were seen over D.C. in October 1989 right after the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a press conference in the nation’s capital, where he warned the world that if they were to attempt to mock him because of his relationship with these wheels.

That they would see these wheels over the major cities, and these wheels responded and were seen and sighted,” Student Min. Ilia Rashad Muhammad added. 

“Not only are these wheels being present, but they are being present in a way where they are showing their power and superiority. And I think we would be wise to listen and take heed to the representatives of those wheels, which is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and of course the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad,” Student Min. Ilia Rashad Muhammad said.

In a “disclosure interview” with Dr. Jaime Maussan, a Mexican journalist and ufologist, on Feb. 25, 2011, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke on how the wheels are now being seen over the major cities and how more and more people are capturing them on video.

“What can you say now?  You could say it was ‘swamp gas’ yesterday; you could say it was a ‘balloon,’” Minister Farrakhan said. “You could say it was all these ‘explain away techniques’ of masterful liars and artful deceivers. But today, it is time. And now it is being made manifest.”

Minister Farrakhan said it is now time for the people of the planet to know where the wheels are from, what their purpose is and who is behind it all. He provided answers to those questions in Parts 51-55 of his 2013 broadcast series, “The Time and What Must be Done.”

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