The results are in, and Donald J. Trump is now president-elect of the United States of America.
Despite concern about his promises to exact political retribution on his enemies and to be a dictator on day one, the convicted felon will soon be inaugurated as the leader of the free world. Mr. Trump defeated Vice President Kamala Harris by garnering much more than the 270 electoral college votes necessary to reclaim the White House.
White women again voted majority Trump and surpassed their levels of support for him in 2020 and 2016. According to exit polls, 53 percent of White women, some 20 percent of Black men and 46 percent of male and female Latino voters backed Mr. Trump. His resounding triumph included winning the popular vote.
Now that the fractious and what was expected to be a close election is over, the analysis and discussions of strategy, messaging, choices, spokespersons, staffing, and all the assorted parts of a billion-dollar political operation are underway.
Many question the choice of Mr. Trump, who American voters have said they want. Others question the viability of Ms. Harris as a candidate and point to missteps in her campaign or a failure to properly diagnose conditions in the country and their impact on voters. Many argue she failed to convince voters of her agenda and of a plan going forward.
Those aren’t the only questions, nor the most important questions, about choices that we must ask.
As we look at the unraveling of a great nation, we must ask what is our future here? What should we be doing to secure our survival?
Mr. Trump’s main message has been one of White grievance, White victimization, and White anger. Even when talking about immigration, crime, and voting, Mr. Trump has veered into the issue of race with his millions of followers, and a majority of voters agreeing with him on some issues.
Race relations in this country have been on a steady decline. Decade after decade after decade, things have not gotten better. They have gotten worse.
White Americans feel they are being replaced in their own society and they see the growing numbers of the non-White population in the United States as a threat. They feel that they are losing progress while Blacks, in particular, and others are being granted more opportunities and benefits, while the deck is stacked against Whites.
None of that is true, but perception is everything.
As the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said to us in the Self-Improvement study course, one’s perception is reality in one’s mind. So here we are once again: Black America at a crossroads in a country that over and over again rejects us.
While some may argue about making progress under Mr. Trump, who has promised Black people nothing, we have to get beyond these fantasies that the ascension of a White man or even a Black woman into the Oval Office will solve all of our problems.
That’s not going to happen.
As the Nation of Islam in the West veers toward 100 years of existence, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad has long warned us that the solution to our problem is not political, but it is in fact divine.
We have more Black elected officials than at any time in our history as a people in this country. Yet we still suffer.
We see Whites moving aggressively in state legislatures to blunt our voting rights. We see a U.S. Justice Department that has too often failed to charge, let alone convict police officers who have shot us down in the streets and in our homes.
We see institutions, whether in CEO suites or ordinary workplaces, still pushing us out or overlooking hiring us altogether.
We have struggled hard in this country, and we must come to a point of decision. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan have said we must separate from White America. Analysts and researchers have long agreed and proven that there are two Americas, Black, White, separate and unequal.
We are subjected to and kept in an inferior position called segregation. We are relegated to second or third-class citizenship with no rights that the White man or White woman are bound to respect. This is not separation. Separation is the conscious choice to end a relationship or a coupling and seek a new, better independent reality.
We will never live among White people in peace. We will never enjoy freedom, justice, and equality under White people and those whose minds are bathed in the madness of White supremacy. It is a sick and abusive relationship.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan have warned that we must separate because separation is what God Himself wants.
This is critical to the choice that we must make as we fulfill the biblical prophecy of Abraham’s seed. God tells Abraham that his seed will go into bondage under a strange people in a strange land, where they will be afflicted for 400 years.
But after that time, God Himself promises to punish those who have brutalized and abused this people held in bondage. And God says He will choose that people as His own.
We are those people. We find no other people in the world fitting the biblical description of Abraham’s seed, which absolutely fits us and our sojourn in this dangerous, savage wilderness.
We must not see the temporal politics of this failing and dying world as our salvation.
We must consider and we must be wise enough to accept the judgment of God. We must not ignore powerful truths or fail to research divine warnings that will save our lives.
If Jehovah saved the children of Israel from suffering under a cruel pharaoh, if God delivered others in the Bible and the Holy Qur’an, the book of scripture of the Muslims, and destroyed wicked nations in the past, can America escape divine judgment and divine destruction from God Himself? She cannot.
Surely no group in history, composed of millions of people, has suffered as we have suffered.
We have been enslaved, sold as chattel, treated worse than animals. We have been raped, maimed, killed, and subjected to medical experiments. We have been targeted by poor food and impure water. We have been forced into environments that are toxic and lead to conditions like cancer and asthma.
The hatred inside of America for us has been reflected in every institution in this country, whether you’re talking about religion, politics, medicine, law, or economics, that has not and will not change.
We cannot ignore the promise of God and continue to place faith in a modern pharaoh and modern Egypt. We must come to grips with reality and choose separation, which is our success.
It begins with rejecting the American way, its false beliefs and coming out of her decadent, soulless mentality and deathstyle. It includes doing everything in our power to carve out a self-independent future for ourselves and taking control of our communities even as we await God’s final judgment.
We must fly to Allah (God) today. We have no time to waste.
—Naba’a Muhammad, editor in chief, The Final Call