[Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint that was published online on Aug. 21, 2009; and The Final Call will continue to publish articles by our brother and friend, Minister Jabril Muhammad.]

I was taken to the hospital on February 18, 2007. Without details, my condition was/is called “conduction aphasia,” medically speaking. That has caused me to think more deeper than ever on my witness of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and his relation to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. That experience caused me to see deeper and appreciate more than ever, his power of speech.

The word “profound” is not deep enough, or wide enough, to express his overall value adequately to humanity. I’m not exaggerating. (More on this word, “exaggeration, its evil use and its righteous use.”)

Minister Farrakhan had an experience that was extraordinary and had an impact on the world, and it continues to impact the world, even though most people on the planet do not know of it right now. I want the readers, to be acquainted with what I call his, “more than a vision” experience he had on September 17, 1985, while in Mexico.


He first told it to his wife Mother Khadijah and Mother Tynnetta Muhammad. A few days later when he saw me in Phoenix, Arizona, he told it to me. It had a powerful impact on me when he first told me what he told me of his experience. I wanted others to learn of his experience and under what circumstances he had it.

Years later due to that event, I decided to write a book that included a chapter on his experience. That book included words from Mother Tynnetta Muhammad of his experience. I asked Mother Tynnetta Muhammad, wife of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, to give me a statement of her first reaction to his experience.

So, I asked her in 1991: “Please tell me when and where Minister Farrakhan first spoke to you of his, what I call his “more than a vision,” which he experienced back on September 17, 1985.”

“On the morning of September 19, 1985, immediately within hours of Mexico City’s worst earthquake, which occurred at 7:19 a.m. in the morning, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and his wife Mother Khadijah, left the hotel where they were staying in Tepoztlan and traveled to Cuernavaca to the home of Mother Tynnetta Muhammad.

“As they came up the steps into the kitchen area, Minister Farrakhan reached the top step and when turning into the kitchen, he suddenly recalled that he was taken up into the Mother Plane. As he entered the door, he began to share the experience that he had two days earlier on September the 17th.

“He appeared a little dazed as he sat down at the kitchen table. He spoke about climbing the sacred mountain called Tepozteco Mountain at the top of which is a small pyramid dedicated to the former king of Tepozteco. These histories of the Indigenous People of Mexico all ultimately lead to unveiling parts of the history of the great folk hero of all of Meso America known as Quetzalcoatl.

Closing The Gap by Jabril Muhammad
Inner Views of the Heart, Mind & Sprit
of the
Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Click here to Order

“The Minister began to describe that he was climbing the mountain, with a few companions, when suddenly an unidentified flying object (UFO) appeared upward at the side of the mountain where the pyramid is located. He then described that three metal legs appeared from the bottom of the wheel like plane. He said he heard a voice telling him. ‘Not them; just you.’ And that he was told to relax. He said a light came from the ship and he was carried up on a beam of light into it.

“He said that when inside this spacecraft that he never saw the face of the pilot or heard words from him. It moved away from the side of the mountain at a terrific speed. He said that he knew he was being transported to the Mother Wheel and that the pilot knew he was frightened of seeing such a great ship (the Mother Wheel). The pilot maneuvered his craft in a way that he did not see the Mother Wheel and backed into it in a tunnel.

“Minister Farrakhan went on to say that the pilot escorted him to a room. In the ceiling was a speaker. Then he said he heard the voice of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad clearly speaking to him.

“He said that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad began speaking to him and as he did, a scroll rolled down in front of him.

“He said the Honorable Elijah Muhammad began to reveal to him information about a war being planned by the president and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He said the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wanted him to deliver this message at a press conference in Washington, D.C. and to reveal their plans and to tell them that he got this information from Elijah Muhammad on the Wheel. He told him that he had one more thing to do and that when he did that one more thing he would be permitted to come to the Wheel and see him face to face.

“I remember that I experienced with great excitement, enthusiasm and palpitation of my heart and I said to him, Brother Minister, do you realize what you’re saying? And he responded by asking me what did I see in this experience? I was so overwhelmed in my response that I could only think, my God; he literally had met with my husband. He has begun to communicate with him in his journey much like Ezekiel being taken up on a Wheel within a Wheel.

“As I began to piece this experience together, in later days, I recalled the scriptures from both Bible and Holy Qur’an that mentioned Moses’ mystical experience in the mountain, where he left the children of Israel below and at that particular time, there were only a few elders or companions who were able to be present at the foot of the mountain.

“In the experience, the tablets were revealed and Moses was not able to see the face of his Lord, but was only able to see, according to the Bible, his hinder parts, his back parts, as he went by him. And again, in each instance of his highly mystical contact with God, there was a great earthquake.”

“Thank you, Mother Tynnetta Muhammad.”

A few days later Minister Farrakhan came to Phoenix, Arizona, with Mother Khadijah and Mother Tynnetta Muhammad. That’s when he told me of his electrifying experience. I’m going to share my first reaction to that experience next article, Allah willing.Years after his experience I wrote a first draft of a 25,000 word commentary on the veracity, significance and power of his experience. That was a chapter I wrote for a book. I wrote that first draft back in 1991.

While I was in the hospital about, or right after, February 18 for some weeks during March 2007, some of that material from that first draft, was sent to and printed in The Final Call. I’m grateful for that.

I’ve thanked Sister Traci (now of Phoenix) who sent some of my words to The Final Call to be printed for the public. Brother Jesse Muhammad, (of Muhammad Mosque #45) helped her with my words during that time. I was not able to keep up my articles during that time. I’m grateful for what they did.

That helped me to bear witness to Minister Farrakhan’s experience that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is very much ALIVE.

More next issue, Allah willing.