
Home World Africa Page 39

War with Iran and unseating President Obama

-Contributing Writer- ( - Iran and Israel, allegedly over Iran achieving nuclear weapons capability, is fast becoming the 800-pound gorilla in the room that is the U.S. presidential race. U.S. officials like Maryland Representative Dutch Ruppersberger, the top Democrat on the house intelligence committee, was told while in Israel recently that the Obama administration won’t get a heads...

‘Greed, for a lack of better word, is good’

-Contributing Writer- Yes, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, everyone for his gain, from his quarter. –Isaiah 56:11 ( - The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) president Sidumo Dlamini while addressing the 47th National African Federated Chamber of Commerce Conference...

Ex-lawmaker: NATO special forces did killing in Libya, could have killed me

- WASHINGTON ( - It was one of the most bizarre incidents during the NATO-supported uprising in Libya. The Rev. Walter Fauntroy, a retired member of the Congressional Black Caucus went missing in Tripoli for several weeks during a self-sanctioned mission to that war zone, as rebel forces advanced toward the capital and their eventual overthrow of Col. Muammar Gadhafi ,...

What has Libyan war unleashed on Africa?

- WASHINGTON ( - Even as Western European leaders boast of their roles in the overthrow of the Libyan government of Col. Muammar Gadhafi , African leaders who were at first silent about the plot have begun voicing their opposition to the campaign. The African Union (AU) has withheld its recognition of the ruling National Transitional Council (NTC), and a...

African nations buck Western-backed regime in Libya

- WASHINGTON ( -  NATO-supported  rebel forces  strengthened their grip on Libya's capital city Tripoli and battled Libyan Government forces and supporters  in Misrata and in Col. Muammar Gadhafi's hometown Sirte at Final Call press time. But the deposed leader remained at large and Transitional National Council (TNC) forces continued their search for him with the help of Western powers...

Transcript: Minister Farrakhan’s Press Conference on U.S., NATO War Against Libya

FCNNEWSSOURCE THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN'SUNITED NATIONS PRESS CONFERENCE OFFICIAL STATEMENT The U.S.-Sponsored, NATO-Led Assault On Libya and Its Dire Consequences: The Final Warning Delivered at The Landmark View Room of the Millennium UN Plaza HotelOne United Nations Plaza, Manhattan, New York Wednesday, June 15, 2011View Full Press Conference Video In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. We give Him praise and thanks for...

Libyan rebels out of oil business?

( - Not anticipating the emergence of a stalemate and the creation of two Libyas may have thrown an unintended monkey wrench in plans by Western powers and Arab allies' desire to allow Libyan rebels–now called the Interim National Council–to sell captured oil. According to published reports, the complexity of sanctions of Libya may mean companies wanting to do...

Africa Union chairman visits U.S., shares frustrations over preconditions for peace in Libya

Why the West Want the Fall of Muammar Gaddafi (Analysis by Jean-Paul Pougala, 04, 2011)Wikileaks Cablegate reveals unflattering U.S. view of African 'client states,' leaders (FCN, 12-09-2010) ( - Dr. Jean Ping, chairperson of the African Union Commission, and his high level delegation recently paid an official visit to the United States. The AUC chairman's visit was part of the...

Libya peace talks were doomed from beginning

( - The recent African Union peace negotiations in Libya were doomed from the beginning. The Transitional National Council's (TNC), a Western powers creation, unwillingness to respect the African Union as a legitimate peace broker tells it all. A few short months ago the world community questioned the legitimacy of the Libyan rebels fighting against Col. Gadhafi and his...

The hypocrisy of military intervention for so-called ‘humanitarian assistance’

( - The fast moving media discussion concerning the invasion of the North African country of Libya, under the auspices of the creation of a no-fly zone, and the destruction of “military targets” appears more geared toward just satisfying the appetite of John Q Public, than it has to do with providing anything having to do with reality....