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Politics and the U.S. food aid program

President Dwight Eisenhower created the Food for Peace program in 1954 to send massive amounts of surplus food, produced in the U.S., to the developing world and to countries still recovering from World War II. The program has been politically popular among farmers in the Midwest, shipping companies, dock workers' unions and food processing plants, as well as...

Why is Obama going to Africa but not the OAU/AU Summit?

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Organization of Africa Unity-African Union (OAU/AU). Three issues–Pan Africanism, which includes continental integration, sustainable development and the empowerment of women, according to African Union Chair Nokosazan Klamini-Zuma “loom the largest,” for the group's meeting planned for May 25-27 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The AU's predecessor, the OAU, came into existence as...

‘Well-behaved’ African leaders rewarded by President Obama

( - Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's first president after independence and the person most identified with the creation of the Organization of African Unity, came to disapprove of the way that certain African leaders had abandoned the African revolution. His concern was that they were failing their people by initially “checking with Washington, London and Paris before making...

Why does ICC only prosecute African leaders?

( - Over 60,000 people attended Kenya's presidential inauguration. African leaders in attendance included Nigeria's Goodluck Jonathan, South Africa's Jacob Zuma and President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda. If one thought the presence of the 800-pound Gorilla in the room–the International Criminal Court (ICC) indictment that hangs over the head of Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya's newly elected president–was going to be...

Venus and Serena Williams Nigeria visit

LAGOS, Nigeria - On their first visit to Nigeria, Serena and Venus Williams wanted to inspire local kids to set their goals high. “We were really able to break the mold and win a lot of Grand Slams and a lot of tournaments and not only that, but kind of change the face of tennis,” Serena said Oct. 31 before...

Anger, labor struggles spread in South Africa

( - South Africans are “reeling in horror” at the killing of 34 miners by police August 16, which to many brought back the darkest memories of the country’s apartheid past. The African National Congress expressed similar horror and outrage at what is being called the “Marikana massacre,” according to Open Wading into a sea of platinum miners...

Has an African country ever hosted the Olympics?

( - After Brazil hosts the Olympics in 2016 what continent will have the distinction of never having hosted the Games? Here’s a hint, historically its distance running success in the Olympics is unparalleled and it has the first double amputee to reach the semifinals. Give up? The continent is Africa and the double amputee is South Africa’s...

‘Poor Africa has to get her head in the right direction’

( - During the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's 1997 World Friendship Tour that included Liberia, he proclaimed even though Africa needs substantial assistance, it has the ability to help itself. “Africa does not need to be a beggar at the foot of America, or at the foot of Europe,” Min. Farrakhan declared in response to a reporter's question. “We...

South Sudan plagued by corruption and economic crises

-Contributing Writer- ( - “An estimated $4 billion are unaccounted for or, simply put, stolen by former and current (government) officials, as well as corrupt individuals with close ties to government officials,” wrote Southern Sudan President Silva Kiir in a letter to 75 current and former government officials. The May 3rd dated letter offered amnesty for officials and individuals...

Economic Terrorism: World Bank facilitating African land grabs

( - Critics say the World Bank is helping multi-national corporations and global investors access cheap land in Africa and other developing countries at the expense of local economies. A case in point, in the British daily The Guardian, shows foreign investors purchasing nearly one-fifth of the West African country of Sierra Leone's arable land. The spokesperson for the Malen...