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Jabril Muhammad: Had you spoken about it before that time?

Joshua Farrakhan: No, I might have vaguely talked to my father about it.


JM: Not at the depth as you talked about that day, three years ago?

JF: No, not until that day. You know, I don’t know if this is equivalent to what I told you back then.

JM: Practically the same thing. A few more details now that I didn’t get before. Have you seen Kamal? Did you see him the next day or that night, or that afternoon? Or did he go back with you and Alif?

JF: He got in the car and left with us and came back. We were staying right across the street in the little houses. And everyone was quiet. Everyone was in shock. Those who kept seeing it on the news–they were flashing it every five minutes, it seems like. ‘The leader of the Nation of Islam, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is dead at the age of…’ whatever they said. Kamal was very quiet. And shortly after that, I never saw him again until just a few years ago, I saw him down in Memphis.

JM: Is that where he’s living now?

JF: I don’t know if he’s there now. I heard he got married and went to Detroit. But I could find him.

JM: Now did you ever hear anything about, or do you remember this light-skinned man who the Honorable Elijah Muhammad called an angel?

JF: Uh hum (yes).

JM: They say he was a man who never smiled.

JF: Wasn’t he sitting on the stage in–?

JM: But he didn’t smile one time, during that speech. That struck me. He never smiled.

At the end of 1971, several saw him–so I was told by more than one person. I was not there, at the table of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad at that time. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had big words to say about him. He referred to him as an angel who had power over a fourth of the planet. I was told that he showed them that the hair on his arm was like magnetized, pointing directly towards the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He had been in and out of town for years. It seems that it was not until that meeting, in 1971, that these things were said about him. Now, did you see him around that time period?

JF: No sir.

JM: That’s your first and only time being in the hospital.

JF: Yes.

JM: O.K. ‘Cause I heard through Ishmael and Sister Tynnetta Muhammad that he was there a couple of times. He would stand at the foot of the bed. The same, same expressionless look. Just deadpan. And also, there’s a picture of him with others, you know, throwing dirt at the gravesite. Putting dirt on the ground and whatever.

One other quick question, this is a thing either you know or you don’t know. Maybe your father said something to you or your family about it. Some years, a year or so later, I’m not sure when, they called for the Minister to come, they were going to ‘rebury’ the body, so to speak.

JF: Right.

JM: And they called for him and Akbar. Now, your father said to me, (I got to talk to Brother Minister about this) I’m trying to get all of this done now. Now, he said to me, they got there a little bit late. He said he didn’t want to say that they misled him, but he got there a little late. The time was off. But they went ahead of schedule. And when he asked them where the body was buried, he said (Raymond Sharrief) could not pinpoint the point. He said he thought that was odd, because, they had just got–how are you going to just bury him and you’re going to forget? What do you remember about that?

JF: I remember just hearing what you just mentioned. I didn’t go to any second service or burial, but I heard that they exhumed the body to bury it somewhere else. And they’d put it in the mosque and some city ordinance that they couldn’t keep the body in the mosque that was under guard, so they had to rebury it. Then they took it back out to the same park, or cemetery, and buried it. I believe I was with my father, and they didn’t know which site–

JM: And they had just got through, a few minutes, or five minutes, ten minutes.

JF: Right.

JM: What was said? Did your father say anything about that?

JF: I can’t remember what was said to be truthful.

JM: Those are curious little points. Now, let’s go back to the phone call you made to your father.

JF: I called the Minister to let him know that I was at the bedside of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I saw the doctors try to revive him with their hands and I told him. I was there at the present time as I was speaking to him. And he got very silent, it sounded like his mouth was wide open, it sounded like I could hear wind in his mouth, but it was a dead state of air. It was just dead–like an empty can or something.

JM: And he didn’t get excited … ?

JF: He didn’t get excited. He just said, ‘Are you sure?’ I said, “Yes sir, I’m positive, I’m right here.” And he got very silent, and a few minutes went past and he said, ‘O.K., son. As-Salaam-Alaikum.’ Then hung up. But I’ve never heard him so silent in all my life. And I haven’t heard him that silent since (laughter).

JM: You talked about this cloud coming in, like (the one in) the Poltergeist movie. I did see that how it just rolled in, this big, black cloud. Blotting out the sunlight and everything.

JF: Right. It was so dark that it seemed like from high twelve-noon, immediately six o’clock in the evening rolled in. And even though it was lighter on other ends of the town–either north or far west–you couldn’t really see the light. The only way you could get out of it was that you had to get in your car and drive, and as I got closer to Hyde Park, then it got suddenly lighter. But that’s about it.

JM: Thank you, sir.

JF: You’re welcome, sir.

This ends that conversation. It was and is very important. Study it, very carefully.

I must end this article, with a question. I’m aware many people may not like this question. This is not to insult anybody–at all! Not at-all. These questions are part of why I wrote this series of articles, which is about to end.

Do you believe, the Jesus who lived, 2,000 years ago is still here alive? Why?

More next issue, Allah willing.